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Zoro texted Law as soon as Luffy got in, and Law headed over. He needed to talk to Luffy. To tell Luffy the truth.

Luffy heard a knock on the door, but didn't move to answer it, so Zoro did. 

"Hey, come on in," Luffy heard Zoro say, then heard the door shut. Luffy looked up to see Law kneeling beside his bed.

"Hey Lu," Law said.

"Please leave," Luffy said, and turned his back to Law.

"No. Not before I tell you what Kidd told me yesterday and explain why I got mad enough to throw the first punch," Law said in defiance. He wasn't going to let Kidd continue treating Luffy the way he does.

"Explain it in 5 words or less then leave," Luffy said shortly.

"He's cheating on you," Law said firmly, with no hesitation and no bullshit.

Luffy snapped his head back to Law. "What? No he isn't," Luffy denied. He would have noticed, right?

"Yes he is Lu. He told me himself," Law said, knowing Luffy wouldn't believe him, but also knowing he had proof.

"You misheard," Luffy said as he sat up on his bed.

"I didn't," Law denied.

"What EXACTLY did he say then?" Luffy asked with an attitude like no other. Surely Law had to be lying to try to win him over.

Law took out his phone and pressed play on the video he hadn't even meant to take. His phone had started recording in his pocket without his knowledge; but now, he was glad for it. "I took his virginity a few nights ago, and I'm not even fucking loyal to him." Kidd's voice admitted through the phone.

Luffy started to tear up. So, it was true then. Zoro went and put a hand on his shoulder. "Oh Lu..."

"I-I'll be right back. Send me that recording," Luffy said getting up and walking towards the door.

"Okay, take your time," Zoro replied with a voice filled with sympathy as Luffy walked out the door. 

"Um, Zoro, that face didn't look like someone who was only sad..." Law said with slight concern.

"What do you mean?" Zoro asked.

"When Luffy just walked out that door, he looked angry and determined..." Law responded.

"Ohhhh shit. What if he's going to Kidd's place?" Zoro asked as he stood up and began to walk out the door, but he was stopped by Law's hand on his chest.

"I say let him. Maybe he will finally do something about his terrible boyfriend. Just give him space. Luffy is strong, he just needs to realize he is," Law said.

"I guess so," Zoro replied and the two sat down to wait for the return of the short raven haired man.


"Kidd, where the fuck are you?!?" Luffy yelled as he barged into the apartment.

"In here Lu, why? What's going on?" Kidd yelled from the kitchen. He sounded so sweet.

"Don't call me that ever again," Luffy said with venom in his voice.

"Why? Did something happen? Why are you so mad? What did I do?" Kidd asked in a voice that sounded almost concerned. Almost.

"Ohhhh shut the fuck up. You know what you did. Stop playing the victim. I know you cheated on me with some common whore," Luffy responded with a face that showed his disgust for the man in front of him.

"I didn't cheat on you Luffy," Kidd attempted to lie. Any other day, Luffy would have bought it.

Luffy pulled out his phone and played the video. Kidd's eyes widened as he heard his own voice play through the phone, admitting to the exact thing he was accused of.

"Where did you get that?" Kidd asked.

"Where do you think?" Luffy responded shortly.

Kidd started to chuckle softly. "Well, I guess this little act is over now. Yes, I cheated on you. Multiple times. You won't do anything about it. I know you would do anything for me." Kidd taunted as he leaned over the counter towards Luffy.

"Not anymore," Luffy said as he grabbed Kidd's broken braced fingers and bent them backwards at the knuckle, effectively breaking them in a new spot. Kidd screamed in agony as his already hurt hands were hurt even further. "Needless to say, but this, us, is over. Don't contact me. Don't find me. Leave me alone," Luffy said as he started to walk away.

"You'll regret this," Kidd said in a low voice.

"No, I really don't think I will," Luffy responded; and with that, Luffy turned his back and left. He didn't want to go back to the dorm where he was sure Law and Zoro were waiting for him. He didn't want to see either of them, so instead he went back to his brothers' house.

Once he was there, he knocked and Ace opened the door. 

"Hey Lu, how'd it go?" Ace asked with a somewhat smile on his face.

"Can I stay here for a while?" Luffy asked as he slipped inside and avoided Ace's question.

"Uh, sure? Why? What happened?" Ace inquired again.

"I don't want to see anyone," Luffy responded, still avoiding saying what happened out loud. he was slowly breaking and knew if he explained, he would break fully.

"Lu, what's going on?" Sabo asked as he entered the room. 

At that point, the initial anger fully subsided and all that he was left with was heartbreak. Tears started to flow down his cheeks. Luffy decided to explain. "Kidd cheated on me. Law was the one who told me. All my friends were right about him. Why did I refuse to listen? Why am I such an idiot?!?" Luffy sobbed.

"Lu, its okay. You're not an idiot. You were just blinded by the feelings you had for him. You can stay here until things calm down a bit. We won't tell anyone you're here if you don't want us to," Sabo said softly.

"Please don't" Luffy begged.

"Okay. We won't. The guestroom is ready for you if you want it. Some of your clothes are still in the drawers," Ace offered.

"Thanks," Luffy said as he wiped his eyes. He left, walking towards the guest room. 

Once he had disappeared inside and the 2 lovers heard the shower turn on, they shared a look. They both knew they weren't going to allow Kidd to get away with this. No one would ever be allowed to get away with it.

That night Ace and Sabo comforted their little brother, and all 3 slept on the couch in one big bundle. Ace and Sabo would always be there for Luffy, no matter what. But tomorrow, they had to go "out".

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Cause fuck Kidd

(1132 words)

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