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It's timeeeee

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Luffy decided on a Saturday to confess. That way, if things went wrong, he could agonize over it on Sunday and bounce back on Monday.

Leading up to that Saturday morning he planned what he was going to say and do. He asked Zoro to borrow his car. He texted Penguin and asked what Law's favorite flower was for 'research purposes'. He even went out and bought a brand new outfit.

On Saturday he woke up early and planned to visit Law at about 2pm. He showered, shaved, and brushed his teeth. Then he spent about an hour fixing his hair so it didn't look so unruly and unkempt. Next came the outfit. He pulled the brand new outfit out of the closet and put it on carefully, making sure not to get anything dirty.

He looked at himself in the mirror and thought he looked pretty good. He was wearing a white short sleeved dress shirt with black loose fitting slacks and a black and gold belt. He had on his white converse that his brothers gave him for his last birthday. He added a thin gold chain necklace to finish it all off.

He ran through what he was going to say in the mirror a few times, then left to pick up the dragon lilies he ordered from the best flower shop in the city.

After he picked up the flowers, his nerves really started to kick in. He got fidgety and a little sweaty, luckily he had put on lots of deodorant.

After he pulled up to Law's apartment building, he sat in the parking lot for a few minutes gathering all his courage to finally ask Law out. After a while of sitting there, he decided to go for it.

He walked up the stairs leading to Law's apartment and stopped in front of the door that had the little gold text '45D' on it. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A few seconds went by with no answer. He knocked again, again with no answer. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the spare key Law had given him a while ago just in case. He had seen Law's car in the parking lot, so he knew he was home.

As he twisted the doorknob and opened the door, nothing could have prepared him for what he was about to see. As the door swung open, he caught a view of the couch. On it was Law with Robin on his lap. They were in a heated makeout session and were touching each other all over.

Luffy let out an audible gasp and both heads turned towards him. One with shock, one with anger.

"Luffy, what are you doing here?" Law asked him with anger in his tone.

Luffy completely ignored him and instead turned to Robin. "HOW COULD YOU?!? YOU KNEW I LIKED HIM, SO WHAT THE FUCK?!?" Luffy screamed, throwing the flowers on the ground of the walkway. Law's eyes widened at the realization that Luffy liked him, and that he was probably there to confess those feelings.

"I-I'm sorry. I-" Robin started to apologize.

"I don't want to hear it. Shut the fuck up. You supported me when I told you I liked him. You told me to go for it. Yet here you are, hooking up with the man that I AM IN LOVE WITH!!!" Luffy started to scream again as tears streamed from his eyes.

Robin moved to get off of Law's lap, "Luf-"

"Leave me alone. I hope you two are happy. Enjoy the fucking flowers," Luffy said as he turned and walked out the door, leaving it hanging wide open.

He ran back to the car, stifling his sobs. Confessing was a bad idea. Of course it was a bad fucking idea. No one would want someone like Luffy compared to anyone else. Especially not when compared to someone like Robin.

He got in the car and started to speed down the highway, going well over the speed limit. He didn't care anymore. The anger and pain had taken over and he was no longer in control.

He heard his phone buzz and told Siri to read the message.

"One new message from Kidd. Do you want me to read it?" Siri asked in her electronic voice.

"Yes," Luffy replied clearly.

"Hey Lu, I was wondering if you were busy? If not, do you want to hang out?" Siri read the message out loud.

"Hey Siri, send a message to Kidd," Luffy said to his phone once more.

"What do you want to say?" Siri inquired.

"I'm not busy. I'll meet you at the park downtown in 15 minutes," Luffy said, speaking loud, slow, and clear to avoid any mistakes.

"Your message says, 'I'm not busy. I'll meet you at the park downtown in 15 minutes.' Ready to send?" Siri asked.

"Yes," Luffy responded.

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I'm evil and I love it

(868 words)

The Fake and The Real (LawLu/KiddLu)Where stories live. Discover now