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And I'm backkkkk

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The day after meeting with Kidd, Luffy did everything as he normally would. He got up, got ready, and drove to school.

On his way to class, Luffy suddenly felt a weight on his shoulders. He turned, expecting to see Usopp or another one of his friends, but instead Law was there.

"Hey baby, can I walk you to class?" Law asked as he kissed Luffy's forehead.

Luffy was taken aback for a second until he remembered their deal. He blushed lightly and then responded, "Oh, sure!"

The 2 walked in silence, but it wasn't exactly an uncomfortable one. They got curious looks from people in the halls, but no one outright said anything to them.

They looked odd together. Law was a tall and handsome man, mostly in black. Luffy was a short and somewhat cute man dressed in bright colors. They were polar opposites. Yet, somehow, they looked perfect next to each other.

As they say, opposites attract.

As they arrived at Luffy's class, Luffy let go of Law to walk into his class when he suddenly felt a hand on his wrist and got spun back around.

Luffy gave Law a questioning look. Law lightly nodded his head to the left, and when Luffy looked that way, he saw a very familiar head of long green hair.

Law raised Luffy's hand to his lips and gave it a light kiss. "I'll pick you up after class and we can go get lunch. Sound good?"

"Sounds great babe," Luffy replied with a smile. He leaned forward and gave Law a quick kiss on the cheek, then turned and walked into his class.

As Law was walking away from the classroom door, he watched as Monet march up to him.

"What the fuck are you doing with him?!?" Monet asked him with fury in her voice.

"I told you already, he's my boyfriend. Why can't you accept that I'm never getting with you?" Law asked in return, trying to get away from the woman in front of him.

"Because you had never mentioned him before!!" Monet exclaimed in frustration.

"I didn't feel the need to. But you never quit, so I finally said something," Law explained, making things up as he went.

"UGH!!! Whatever," Monet replied in even more frustration, then stormed off the way she came.

The encounter had left Law with a smile on his face. He wasn't sure if it was from the reaction from Monet.... or the breathtaking smile Luffy had given him.

Luffy couldn't focus all through class, not that that was anything new. He honestly had no clue how he even made it to college.

Once class was over, he was relieved to be free. He walked out the door and was about to head for the cafeteria when he noticed Law standing off to the side. Only then did he remember they were supposed to get lunch together.

The 2 men walked hand in hand to the cafeteria. Both men felt a little awkward, but it was just because this "relationship" was new to them. Neither one of them outwardly expressed the awkwardness they felt.

During lunch, the 2 got better acquainted. Luffy told Law about his brothers, and Law told Luffy about his sister and cousin. The 2 just talked and talked about whatever came to their minds.

At a table a little ways away, Luffy's friends all watched curiously. Zoro, Nami, Robin, Usopp, Vivi, and Sanji all sat and assessed the situation before them.

"So... who's that guy with Luffy?" Zoro asked the group.

"Don't know. I'm not sure I've seen him before. Definitely not our year," Nami said.

"I believe he is a medical student. I think he comes here sometimes for a few classes he is required to take. Trafalgar D. Water Law," Robin informed the group.

"That's our Robin!! You know everything," Sanji exclaimed.

"I had him in class," Robin informed them. She was a teacher at the college.

"Well, as long as he is a good guy, then he can hang out with Luffy. Luffy thinks everyone is a good person. I worry about him," Zoro said, staring down Law as he and Luffy started to laugh about something.

"It looks like Luffy likes him. What if they are dating?" Robin asked with a small smirk.

Everyone paused for a second, before Nami spoke up, "Noooo. Luffy getting a boyfriend? I... I don't think he would... would he?"

"He's 19. It's not abnormal for him to finally get a significant other. He did come out as bisexual to us last year after all," Robin reasoned.

"If he does have a boyfriend, we better get to meet him," Zoro chimed in, still staring daggers at Law.

"Listen Zoro, I know Luffy is your best friend, but if he finally found someone to be with romantically, you can't interfere," Usopp said.

"I know. I know. I just want to make sure Luffy won't get hurt," Zoro responded.

"We all do," everyone else replied at the same time. They all looked around at each other and laughed.

After lunch, the group watched as the 2 men walked out of the cafeteria.

"We need to talk to Luffy after his classes are over," Nami said, and got nods of agreement from the rest of the group.

And they did just that. They intercepted him in the hallway before he could meet up with Law.

Zoro walked up and wrapped his arm around Luffy's shoulder. "So, Luffy, who's your new little boy toy?"

"What are you talking about Zoro?" Luffy questioned, genuinely confused.

"The guy you were with at lunch," Robin chimed in.

"Oh... that's...." he almost said his fake boyfriend, but then remembered he is supposed to keep the number of people who know they aren't actually dating to a minimum. "That's my boyfriend, Law."

Robin gave a small chuckle, "I told you."

"We need to meet him. All of us," Nami said as they began to walk out the doors of the school.

"Fine. Not yet though. It's too early. Maybe in a few weeks or months," Luffy replied, not actually thinking his and Law's deal would last that long.

If only he knew.

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Ohhhh if only he knew.

Thanks for reading!!! <33

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