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My favorite chapter by far.

My girlfriend wrote almost the whole chapter though, so maybe I'm biased.

!!!!Warning: There is blood and talk of brutality!!!!

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Kidd was walking down the street heading to work. He then felt a tight grip on his wrist before he was harshly yanked into the alleyway. He lost his balance and fell to the ground. Looking up he saw Luffy's two brothers Ace and Sabo. They were glaring down at him with death in their eyes and pipes in their hands. He glared back knowing he was in for a fight but not planning on backing down.

"The fuck do you two want?" Kidd spat.

"To take revenge for our brother since he's too nice to do it himself," Ace replied as he moved the pipe from behind his head to hit his other hand.

Kidd grit his teeth. He could tell this was going to be an unfair fight but he was no coward. He went to stand but wasn't given the chance before he felt a sharp pain to the top of his head. His vision blacked out for a second and he could feel his blood run down his face.

Sabo had made the first hit. He then pulled back before swinging a second time not giving Kidd a chance to process anything. The pipe made contact with his left cheek right below the temple. A crack was heard along with the metal reverberation of the hollow pipe. Kidd fell all the way down to the ground and quickly covered his bleeding and throbbing cheek with his hand. It was definitely broken. His head was so fuzzy that he could barely register his opponents movements.

Ace took his turn at beating Kidd and stepped forward giving a swift kick to his stomach. Kidd groaned and bit down on his own tongue from the reaction pain. He could taste the blood in his mouth.

Next came a brutal hit to his shoulder. That one didn't break anything but it sure as hell would hurt for weeks.

Kidd managed to grab onto Sabo's shoe and went to yank his foot out from under him. Before he could do this ace hit his hand down with the pole smashing it into the rough concrete below. Kidd recoiled his hand with a yelp of pain. Blood and skin were stuck to the ground from the force that it had been smashed.

"Think he's learned his lesson?" Sabo asked with complete malice.

"We aren't here to teach him a lesson. We are here to get revenge for our brother." Ace replied as he kicked Kidd again but this time in his face, cracking his nose, only adding to the puddle of blood pooling on the ground under Kidd's head.

"We can't kill him though, as much as he does deserve it," Sabo brought the pole down onto his ankle, knowing joints were always a good place to aim.

Kidd shouted in agony as he curled in on himself. He had been sorely mistaken, this wasn't a fight this was just him getting jumped. His entire body hurt and his head felt like he was spinning in a pool of water. Refusing to be beaten like this without being able to do anything he looked at the two brothers with half-lidded eyes that were full of spite.

"Your brother isn't worth anything more then what I did to him," Kidd spat.

This was the final straw for the two. "You shameless piece of worthless garbage!" Ace roared as he hit Kidd one final time over the head. He went to strike again but Sabo caught his arm.

"Ace enough! People are going to start wondering what all the commotion is and if you hit him like that again, he will be dead," Sabo said, always the voice of reason.

"Fine. But I'm putting him where he belongs," Ace spoke as he picked Kidd's bloody, beaten, and unconscious body up before dropping it into the dumpster along with his pipe. Ace then removed his gloves and shoved them into his pocket. Sabo followed suit and then the two brother left.

"Do you want to go back home with Luffy love? I have work and I really don't want him to be alone much longer," Sabo asked.

"Yeah. I'll go straight there. I love you," Ace replied, giving Sabo a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too," Sabo replied, and the two went their separate ways.

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Well deserved if I do say so myself.

(797 words)

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