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Sorry for being gone for so long. I had a lot happening in my personal life. I'm gonna attempt to finally get this story finished.

(Wrote this before everything that happened, but I'm too lazy to change the intro/greeting)

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2 months later~

Law had been temporarily staying at Sabo and Ace's house. He didn't want to leave Luffy, and from what he could tell Luffy didn't want him to leave either.

The 2 men had been spending their every waking moment together, minus the days Law had to work. It was always especially heartbreaking for Law to leave Luffy on the days that he had to work a double. Luffy always had this face of complete disappointment when Law walked out the door, and Law hated doing that to him. Luffy always tried to hide his disappointment, but the poor boy wore his heart on his sleeve.

When Law had asked for permission to temporarily live with Luffy and his brothers he knew he would be sacrificing any chance of a relationship with the smaller raven haired man. But, he was willing to make that sacrifice if it meant being there for Luffy when he needed him. And he had; Luffy had needed Law.

But to every story, there are two sides.

While Law had been attempting to accept giving up a chance of a relationship with Luffy, Luffy was slowly falling for Law all over again as Law helped him process everything he had experienced. He hadn't even noticed it at first, but by the time a month and a half had passed, he could tell he felt how he had before. But, he was scared. Scared to love and be hurt again. But Law wouldn't do that to him again, right?

Once Luffy finally realized that he had never truly gotten over Law, just as Kidd had suspected, he had pushed the feelings down. He didn't want to feel them. But after 2 months? There was no keeping them contained. Luffy's feelings for Law were back in full force.

One night Luffy and Law were hanging out alone. Ace and Sabo both had been scheduled to work night-shift that night, something that rarely ever happened. It had happened a bit more lately than the rare occurrences of before. After 2 months of being around him, they trusted Law enough to leave him alone with their precocious little brother for a night.

On that particular night, Luffy had something on his mind. What? His feelings for Law. He wanted to feel free again, not so scared, so he decided he wanted to drink that night. Luffy of course knew it was dumb, but he just wanted to have a little fun for once. Law of course thought it was a terrible idea, so he didn't drink much and only sipped on one drink. He had to make sure Luffy didn't get hurt.

By the time Luffy had downed his fourth drink he decided he wanted to dance. He played his playlist on the bluetooth speaker he had. At first he was dancing by himself, and then somehow Law got sucked into it and they were dancing together chest to chest. After a few more upbeat songs played, a slow song began to play.

Law moved to change it, assuming Luffy wouldn't want to dance to something like that in the state he was in.

"Leave it," Luffy said as he looked at Law through this eyelashes.

"Are you sure?" Law asked, unsure what Luffy was thinking.

"I'm sure," Luffy replied with a blinding smile.

"Well then, may I have this dance?" Law asked holding out his hand to Luffy.

Luffy put his hand in Law's and they slow danced to Three Little Words by Christian Locke. After the song was finished Law attempted to separate him and Luffy, but Luffy held onto his hand and prevented him from moving further away.

"What is it Lu?" Law asked, worried that Luffy was upset or feeling unwell.

"I may regret this tomorrow, but I don't care at the moment. I'm not one for regret anyways," Luffy said, looking at the ground between their feet.

Luffy looked up and met Law's eyes. "Wha-" Law began to question, but he was cut off by Luffy pressing his lips to Law's.

Law stood for a moment in complete shock. His brain was working at 90 miles a minute, but he felt like he wasn't absorbing any of the information. Once the shock finally subsided and he realized that Luffy was actually kissing him, he kissed back softly.

Luffy took the lead and gently pushed Law back towards the couch. Law was so much taller, and kissing would be much easier sitting down. Law sat on the couch and Luffy straddled his lap. The two continued to make out, each kiss continuing to get hotter and hotter, leaving both of them completely breathless. Both of their hearts were pounding in their chests.

Law put his hands on Luffy's hips and began to moved them up Luffy's torso and under his shirt. As his hand touched the skin under the shirt, Luffy suddenly shot back.

"I-I'm sorry," Luffy began as he started to tear up.

"Lu, what's wrong? Talk to me," Law said gently. He wasn't mad, not even almost.

"It's just.... memories," Luffy replied as he looked away.

"Of him?" Law asked, already knowing the answer.

"Yes...." Luffy replied.

"I apologize Luffy. I went too far. Take all the time you need to get comfortable with everything including kissing. But just know, I will NEVER hurt you the way he did or at all," Law said as he looked into Luffy's eyes, and Luffy could tell her meant it.

"I know. Do you mind if we just... cuddle?" Luffy asked hating the way it sounded.

"No, I don't mind at all," Law replied as he gently laid the two of them down on the couch. Both men slowly drifted off to sleep, completely comfortable in the others' arms.

When Ace and Sabo walked in the next morning and saw the two, they were unsurprised.

"It really was a matter of time. Law has been here for a while now and the way Lu talks about him when he isn't here isn't the way he talks about Nami or Zoro," Ace points out to his fiance.

"Well yeah. How much you wanna bet that they will be together by the end of the week?" Sabo asks as he puts his things on the kitchen counter.

"I have 20 bucks saying that they will be 'official' by Wednesday," Ace says as he makes air quotes when he says official. The two men on the couch have basically been dating for months, just not really.

"Damn, you trust them that much? That's only 3 days. You must not know either of them, they are cowards. I bet next Sunday, that gives them exactly one week from today," Sabo says as the two of them walk back to their shared bedroom to go to sleep.

"You're on love," Ace says as he kisses Sabo's cheek and they walk into their bedroom and close the door.

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Wasn't supposed to be this long, but I was on a roll.

(1220 words)

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