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I literally have no idea what I'm even doing anymore. 

Just bear with me please.

And don't judge if the characters are a little outta character, I can't write for shit anymore

Thanks for hanging with me :')

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A few days after the group movie night, Luffy decided to finally act on his decision.

He was laying in bed and pulled out his phone. He unblocked Law, and opened up the texts.

Luffy: Hey, I want to talk to you about something. Can we meet up sometime soon?

Not expecting a response immediately, Luffy put his phone away. But as soon as it was away, he heard it ding and pulled it back out. It was Law.

Law: Of course. What about tomorrow?

Luffy: Sure. The 24 hour cafe by the University at 2?

Law: That works. See you then.

Law was ecstatic that Luffy was giving him a chance. He remembered Nami say she would vouch for him and sent her a quick thank you text.

Nami responded by saying she hadn't done much, and that she wished him luck.

Law spent the rest of the day trying to figure out exactly what he was going to say. He wasn't sure how to convey his true feelings to Luffy

The next day, he woke up earlier than usual. He chose to work on his thesis a bit, he was almost done with it, just had to check grammar and such. 

At about noon Law started to get ready. He wanted to look nice, but in a way that looked like he didn't try too hard. He was wearing a collared shirt and come plain black jeans with his black dress shoes. He decided to throw a crewneck over it to make it look a bit more casual. In the end he ended up spending an hour and a half on his outfit. He looked at the time, and realized he had to hurry or he would be late. 

He got to the cafe and looked to see if Luffy had arrived yet, and as he suspected, the raven haired 19 year old was nowhere to be found. 

Law bought his coffee and found a place to sit. About 10 minutes after he had sat down, Luffy walked in. From his spot, he could easily see the door. Luffy went and ordered. As he waited, he looked around for a moment until he spotted Law and walked over. He sat down in the seat opposite of Law's.

"Before we start, can I say something?" Law asked. 

"Sure," Luffy responded.

"I want to apologize and explain things so can I just talk for a moment?" Law asked for permission again. He didn't want Luffy to get annoyed if he just kept talking.

"Go ahead Law," Luffy said. 

Law stumbled over his words for a moment. "I-I'd like to start off with saying that I know what I did was dumb and no excuse that I come up with or tell will justify it.  I liked you, a lot, but I couldn't even admit that to myself at the time. I knew something was missing and I could feel it, I wanted to fill the hole, so when Robin kissed me I... I tried to use her to fill it. I shouldn't have and I know that. I soon realized no one, not her nor anyone else, could fill the hole. I realized when I saw you standing there... with the flowers. I realized why you were there; I saw how hurt you were. As I watched you leave that feeling that something was missing inside of me got larger. Luffy, I am so so sorry for what I did to you. I never meant to hurt you, or Robin for that matter. I was just stupid and in denial I guess. I don't know if I expect forgiveness but I really would like it."

Luffy paused a moment, looking as if he was thinking about it, "Luckily for you, I came here to forgive you anyways. I want to try being friends."

Law's head shot up and his eyes had an excited gleam to them. "Really?!?"

"Yes, Law," Luffy replied with a small chuckle.

Law put his hand on Luffy's and held it as he thanked Luffy for giving him another chance.

Suddenly, Luffy pulled his hand away. "I'm only going to remind you once, I am still in a relationship with Kidd. As such, I have boundaries for our friendship," Luffy said calmly.

Law gave a small nod as he settled himself back in his seat.

Luffy went on, "First, you're not allowed to fight with Kidd, over anything. Second, you're not allowed to show any physical signs of affection. This means no hugging, kissing, hand holding, or anything of the sort. We have a past, I don't want to go back to that. Lastly, you're not allowed to flirt with me."

Law nodded in agreeance, but in his mind he knew he was going to break the last rule. He was going to make sure he broke that rule.

"Okay, I agree to your boundaries," Law said.

"Good," Luffy responded with a blinding smile that made Law's heart skip a beat.

The 2 stayed a bit longer, talking about this and that. It was a good sort of calm. Law had missed Luffy so so much, and being able to be near him again made him never want to let the other man go.

But eventually the time came when Luffy had to leave. The 2 shook hands as they parted ways.

On his way back home, Law was busy thinking about what he was going to do to get Luffy back from Kidd. He needed Luffy back with him.

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Kill me

(994 words)

The Fake and The Real (LawLu/KiddLu)Where stories live. Discover now