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Writing this on vacation after I got dumped over text by my (now ex) fiancé. It's.... something.

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The two men woke up in each other's others arms still, Luffy barely remembered what happened. He didn't regret it, obviously. He knew he wouldn't. Law was still in shock at what happened.

Luffy got up to go to the bathroom. While in there, he takes a look at himself in the mirror. He suddenly noticed the sweatshirt that was at least a size too big hanging from his torso. It was the same sweatshirt Law had been wearing the night before.

"When did that happen," he whispered to himself. He pushed the thought aside and brushed his teeth before heading back into the living room.

Law had just gotten himself a cup of coffee when he saw Luffy walk in. Luffy walked to the fridge and opened it as Law watched carefully. Law suddenly noticed that luffy was wearing his sweatshirt. When did that happen? Law thought to himself.

Law watched as Luffy took a box of leftover pizza and plopped down beside him.

"So.... how's your hangover?" Law asked the younger man sitting beside him.

"Not too bad, I'm just hungry," Luffy replied stuffing a slice of pizza into his mouth.

"Aka you're perfecty fine. And.... do you remember last night?" Law asked tentatively.

"A bit. Remind me again what happened?" Luffy requested with a small smirk at Law.

"Absolutely not you little shit," Law replied lightly shoving Luffy.

"Awwww youre no fun Law," Luffy pouted with a glint of mischievousness in his eyes.

"I'm just not giving into your little schemes," Law replied as he rolled his eyes.

"Boo," Luffy pouted before eating another slice of pizza.

"But I can make my own. Would you like to go on a date with me in a few days?" Law asked, silently feeling hopeful for a yes.

"I don't know..... what if I don't want to give into your schemes?" Luffy asked.

"Give in anyways," Law said as he leaned closer to Luffy and lightly nibbled his ear.

"Mmmmmm fine. But just this once. What day are we going?" Luffy asked as his face flushed a dark red.

"Does Wednesday night work for you?" Law asked.

"I never leave the house, yes Wednesday works for me," Luffy said with a voice full of sass.

"Great, I'll plan everything. Is that okay?" Law asked. He wanted this to be perfect and prove he could do it.

"Sure. I don't have a knack for that kind of stuff anyways. Just let me know how I need to dress," Luffy said.

"Alright," Law replied as he began to sort through in his brain what to do.

Law spent the next day planning a date he thought Luffy would enjoy. He made a reservation at a restaurant known for its meat dishes and did some scouting for a good hangout spot for after. Tuesday night at dinner he told Luffy the plan.

"So tomorrow we are going to eat, it's a nicer place, so dress up, but not formal. Then I have a plan for after, but that's a surprise" Law said as he looked at Luffy stuffing his face.

"Oooooo. I'm excited," Luffy said after swallowing.

"You two are going on a date tomorrow?" Ace asked curiously.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09 ⏰

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