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They entered Cole room kissing each other lips.

Cole started to take off Kaylin dress while kissing her. He got the dress off and threw her on the bed. Kaylin laid on her back while Cole started to undress himself.

Kaylin watched Cole and started to memorize his figure he was tall masculine and he looked like he was athletic. He had a 8 packs and he looked so fierce. Cole then hopped on the bed on top of Kaylin and started kissing her again.

Cole started to feel Kaylin body as he was making his way down. He touched her curve and thick thighs. He kissed her neck which was Kaylin weak spot causing her to moan loud.  Cole could smell the perfume Kaylin had on.

Kaylin could also smell Cole cologne it smelled woodsy and musky. Cole made his way to Kaylin legs. She then started to moan louder so loud as if the whole world could hear her.

He went back to kissing her lips. After he finished kissing Kaylin on the lips he went back down her body kissing and licking her. Kaylin was enjoying every single moment of it she did not want it to end. 

Cole was memorized by her body. They then stoped as they both started to get tired and sleepy.

Cole got on the other side of the bed in only his underwear and grabbed Kaylin and pulled her closer. Kaylin was also in only underwear and a bra. She did not push Cole when he pulled her closer. They both started to cuddle Cole also started to kiss Kaylin on her head then they both fell asleep.

The next morning Kaylin woke up to the sun in her face

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The next morning Kaylin woke up to the sun in her face. She didn't really know what happened the night before. she opened her eyes and finally customize to the sun.

"Mmm wtf. Where the hell am I" Katelin whispered as she looked around. She then noticed a guy arm around her.

"Oh snap don't tell me we... oh jeez I gotta get TF outta here"

Kaylin then tried to get up without waking Cole up. Cole felt Kaylin move so he got up and pined her down on the bed.

"Where do you think you're sneaking off to without saying goodbye"

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"Where do you think you're sneaking off to without saying goodbye".  Cole said while smirking.

Kaylin just looked at Cole shocked she was blushing so hard right now. She didn't really know what to say especially in the position she was in. All she wanted to do right there and then is kiss Cole.

Cole looked at Kaylin it was like he was reading her mind cause he started to make out with her. Everything was interrupted with one phone call.  Cole then stoped kissing Kaylin and took the call.

"Hello ... mMmM yea .. alright be right there."

Cole then hung up the phone and looked at Kaylin who was already getting ready to leave.

"Well I gotta fly out the city for 3 years".  Cole said to Kaylin as he got up to get dress

"But I gotta say I had fun with you last night." He said while smirking

All Kaylin did was blush. She couldn't help the feelings she was feeling for Cole right there and then. She knew she would probably not see him again.

"Well I had fun with you to. you sure know how to make a girl feel better"

Cole smiled he took out this black button shirt out of his closet and gave it to Kaylin.

"What is this for"

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"What is this for".  Kaylin asked with a confused look

"Something for you to remember me by ."

"Thank you ." Kaylin took the shirt and put it in her bag. Cole then showed her the way out.
Kaylin took a cab to her apartment. She entered her home and everything of the night before came back to her.

She went inside her room and as she expected all of Blake stuff was gone just like she wanted. So why was she sad. Maybe she sad cause now she is alone she has nobody to come home to. Kaylin put her stuff away and picked the clothes she was going to wear to work for later that day.

She went and took a shower and scene's from last night with Cole popped in her head. She then realized she never even got his name or his number. She got out the shower and went into her room and put on the comfiest pjs she had and headed off to bed. 

Meanwhile Cole was preparing for a flight that he had to catch were he would have to spend 3 years in New York City for his job

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Meanwhile Cole was preparing for a flight that he had to catch were he would have to spend 3 years in New York City for his job. Cole got everything packed and headed off to the airport.

His assistant Amelia would also be accompanying Cole. Amelia hoped that this trip make Cole like her. So while they are on the trip Amelia plans to get closer to Cole and hopes that they will end up hooking up or dating.

There flight was called and Cole and Amelia and there others col·league got up and headed towards the gate to get on the plane. Cole couldn't stop thinking about Kaylin Aswell. He also was thinking about last night. That night was the most fun and relaxing night he had in a while. once they got on the plane Cole headed to his seat and went to sleep

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