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Kaylin finally reached the house. Once the car was parked she jumped out and ran to go tell Cynthia what happened.



Kaylin ran to Cynthia.

" what wrong"

" I am so mad right now"

" why"


" what he do this time"

Kaylin told Cynthia everything that went down.

" dammm don't worry next time I'll bring him the food"

Both Cynthia and Kaylin giggled.

" I'm so mad at him. Mad at myself to"

" why are you mad"

" I actually liked him and I'm mad at me for liking him"

" it okay to like someone"

" I don't want to like him"

" why"

" stop asking questions"

Cynthia giggled.

Just then both Kaylin and Cynthia heard the front door slam shut. 

"KAYLIN" Cole shouted.

"great now I gotta deal with him"

Cole then entered the kitchen.

"Kaylin come on let's talk"

" nope" Kaylin then went to leave the kitchen. Cole followed behind her.

" Kaylin me and her aren't together"

" didn't really look like y'all aren't still dating" Kaylin said as she went upstairs.

" Kaylin."

" MOMMY"  Kate said as she ran out the playroom.

" hi baby what wrong"

"I miss you"

" Kate go play with your brother me and your mom are talking"

" okay daddy"

Kate then ran back into the playroom.

Kaylin turn to Cole.

" I don't wanna talk about it. There is really nothing to talk about. But you and your girlfriend should go talk about the fact that you basically cheated on her"

Kaylin then quickly walked to her room and slammed the door and locked it.

" Kaylin open the door"

" no"

" Kaylin I'm not going to ask you again cause the next time I tell you this door gonna be broken"

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