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As Kaylin waited she was a bit nervous. If she was pregnant she didn't know what she was going to do since the father wasn't there and she didn't know where he is. She douse not even know his name. If she wasn't pregnant then there has to be something wrong with her since she been feeling weird lately.

Maddy was waiting outside the bathroom.

" Kaylin you okay in there"

" yea I'm fine. I'm just waiting do you wanna come in"

" yea sure open the door"

Kaylin opened Maddy the door and they both waited for the result.

5 minutes later the result came in Maddy and Kaylin looked at the test.

"Oh snap MADDY what am I going to do" Kaylin says as tears started to form

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"Oh snap MADDY what am I going to do" Kaylin says as tears started to form.

" it okay don't worry ima be there for you and I bet the girls at the club will help as-well".

" aww thank you" Kaylin hugged Maddy "your gonna be a great godmother Maddy".

" you're putting me as the godmother aww thank you".

They both laughed and gave each-other another hug.

" actually let's go to the doctors to make sure I am actually having a baby because sometime these test can be wrong".

" alright then let's get going then".

They headed to the hospital and the doctor confirmed she was indeed pregnant. She has been 4 weeks pregnant. Kaylin was happy by the news but a bit sad cause her baby will not know who there dad is.

Kaylin and Maddy then left the hospital. They got in the car and Maddy started to drive Kaylin home.

"So what are you going to name the baby"

" well if it a boy I might name him ...... let see. Alright got it if it a boy ima name him Kason and if it a girl I might name her Katelin but Kate for short".

" aww those are some cute names since they both kinda go with your name and they both start with a K".

" I can't wait to be a godmother I'm so excited".

" I'm excited to be a mom".

"What if you have twin boys then what you gonna name them".

" girl don't be crazy twins really".

"Im trying to prepare you. So you already have names picked out before you have the baby".

" aww your so sweet"

" alright if and I mean IF I have twins and there boys. There name is gonna be Kaden and Aiden and if I have twins girls ima name them Katelin and Maylin."

" those name are cute as-well". "One more question how you gonna announce your pregnancy to the girls at the club ."

" I'm not sure about that yet maybe have a lil party to announce it or something."

" alright then and when your belly start showing and stuff what part of the club you gonna work at"

" well I'm most likely going to work at the bar since all you gotta do is just put drinks then I can sit and relax and still earn money. When I'm close to my due date then I'm take the day off."

"dam girl look at you already planing everything witch is great. so after the baby born what are you gonna do"

" Well ima be at home for like maybe 5 months or as-long as Emma let's me."

" What about when there older what are you gonna do. Who gonna watch her".

" well I kinda have to figure that out cause babysitting is to much money".

" on my days off I could watch your baby".

"Thanks Maddy".

" no problem you know I got you".

" alright and we are home".

Maddy and Kaylin went upstair and finally reached Kaylin apartment.

" hey Kaylin so how long you gonna wait till you announce your pregnancy".

" umm maybe like when I'm at-least a month pregnant then ima Announce it."

" I'm already planning your party".

Kaylin and Maddy giggled then they both went in.

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