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Time skip

It been a few hours and Cole was at work.

Kaylin kids was in the playroom. Kaylin went downstairs into the kitchen.

" hey Cynthia"

" oh hi Kaylin is there anything wrong"

" no just bored"

" do you want something to do"


" alright Cole forgot his lunch and I was going to bring it to him so do you mind bringing it"

" you want me to go to his work"

" yea"

" unm alright then. Let me go ask the kids if they wanna come"

" girl just leave them here I will watch them"

" you sure"

" yea now go"

" alright then"

Kaylin took the food and went outside. She didn't have her car yet so she had to go with the driver. As she climbed in the car one of the guards accompanied her.

"Why are you following me"

" Mr. Smith told me to accompany you everywhere you go"

" why"

" is that even a question"

Kaylin just rolled her eyes.

They drove to the Smith industry.

Kaylin stepped out the car and headed to the building. The bodyguard stood near the door and Kaylin went In.  She went to the main lobby.

" Hi I'm Kaylin Davis. I came to give Cole his Lunch"

" what are you to Mr. Smith"

" well I guess I'm his baby momma" Kaylin said with an awkward smile.

The girl at the reception just laughed.

"That a funny joke Mr. Smith douse not have kids"

" I'm not joking"

" listen lady I don't know who you are or what kind of prank you're pulling but I'm not going to brother Mr. Smith because your delusion"

" I'm sorry what"

" you heard me"

Kaylin was one step away from slapping the receptionist.

" listen I do not have time for this can you just call Cole and have him come here"

" first of all it Mr. Smith and 2nd please leave"

" Listen lady if you do not call him here right now before his food gets cold I will smack you"

" is that a threat"

" it's a warning"

The meeting was over and Cole came out. He heard arguing at the front desk and decided to check it out.

As Kaylin was still arguing with the receptionist she felt a tall figure behind her. The lady went quiet once she seen Cole behind Kaylin.

Kaylin turned around she was now face to face with Cole.

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