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Cole woke up to the sound of Kaylin phone ringing he got up to turn it off when he saw who it was. It was Chris she had his name on her phone with hearts around it.

" it is 6:00 in the morning what does this guy want"

Cole decided he will answer.


"Hey Kaylin are we still up for ice-cream today"

Chris didn't realize it was Cole who had answer the phone. Cole couldn't help but feel frustrated he hung up the phone and threw it on the ground.

Kaylin then woke up and found Cole standing up.

"Umm hey what are you doing up so early"

Kaylin looked over and saw her phone on the ground.

"Wtf... what's my phone doing on the ground"

Cole turned to look at Kaylin.

"Have you learn nothing"


"Your going to meet up with that guy"

"So what if I meet up with him what does it have to do with you."

"I do not want you to see him"

" you are not my boss you can't tell me what to do. If I want to see him I will"

Cole glared at her.

"If you see him your punishment will be much worst then before"

"You are so ANNOYING"

Cole just left the room.

5 minutes later Katelin walked in.

"Hi mommy"

"Morning baby"

" you ready to go eat"


"Alright let get ready and head downstairs"

They both got ready and went downstairs.

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