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Cole got back home the next day. He was tired and he just wanted to go to bed.

" good afternoon Mr. Smith"

" hello Cynthia. Is Kaylin and Katelin home I don't see her car outside"

" Mr. Smith ever since she left yesterday morning she hasn't come back"

" what and your telling me this now why didn't you tell me when they didn't come home last night!"

" she told me that she was going to bring Katelin to her godmother house to sleep there I assumed she had slept overnight"

Cole then calmed down.

" are you sure she went to her friend house"

" yes sir you can even ask the guards I wasn't here when she left since I went to go run some errands"

Cole had the guards come in and the guards told Cole the exact thing Cynthia had told him.

" alright then you guys can carry on I'm going to go upstairs"

Cole headed upstairs. He decided to check Kaylin room. For some reason he thought Kaylin would be there resting. Once he entered the room he found absolutely nothing in there he checked the closet and everything was gone.

Cole then headed back downstairs to ask Cynthia about it.

" Cynthia did Kaylin go live with her friend or something"

" what why would you think that"

" I just walked in her room and everything is gone and when I say everything I mean every single thing"

" She was giving her things to her friends. She said she didn't need them so she decided to give it away."

" She gave all her things to her friends"

" I believe so sir"

Cole sighed and left to take a nap. At that point Cynthia was wondering if she made a mistake she was really worried at this point.

She then decided to go upstairs into Katelin room. Once she got in there everything was gone.

" no no no no Cynthia what have you done"

Cynthia then tried to contact Kaylin but her phone was not working and she couldn't reach her.

"No no no no no"

Cynthia then ran outside she asked the guards if they could get a driver here. Once the driver came Cynthia got in and asked the driver if he knew were Kaylin best friend lived. The driver nodded and took her there.

They got to maddy house and knocked on the door. Some women open the door. "Hello how can I help you"

"Hi I was wondering if your best-friend Kaylin was here"

Cynthia never met maddy nor seen any photos of her. So she had assumed this women was Kaylin best-friend.

" I'm sorry miss the women who use to live her just sold her house yesterday"

" oh I'm sorry then have a nice day"

Cynthia got in the car she burst into tears.

" what happened" the driver asked.

"I lost Kaylin I don't know were she is Cole is going to be so mad"

" Cynthia it is not your fault. She the one who left we didn't know"

" I should've knew she was going to leave she had all those boxes with her"

" It okay Cole going to find her"

Cynthia arrived at Cole mansion she went inside and started to prepare some dinner before Cole wakes up.

Cole finally woke up instead of going straight downstairs he decided he will look in Kaylin room to see if she is home. He went inside and there was nothing. He went downstairs maybe Kaylin is down there.

" hey Cynthia is Kaylin home"

" sir I think she left for good"

" what do you mean she left for good"

" I went over to Katelin godmother house. The women who now lives there told me that they just bought the house yesterday"

" how are you for sure they are not lying"

" I had a little peek inside and there were boxes around the house. Then I pulled out my phone and found the house listed as sold"

Cynthia then took out her phone and showed Cole. He saw that Maddy house had just been sold.

At this point Cole was furious. When he finds Kaylin he is going to make sure she never leaves his sight and he is going to make sure one of the guards are always with her.

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