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It was 1 in the afternoon and Kaylin woke up with a massive headache. She only remembered some things from last night.

She didn't even have the energy to get up from bed she just laid there with her head pounding. Few minutes later Cynthia walked in the room to cheack up on her.

" oh kaylin your finally up"

" Cynthia my head is in alot of pain"

" let me get you some medicine and a warm cloth then"

Cynthia left the room to go get the supplies.Cynthia came back upstairs and gave Kaylin the medicine and put a warm cloth on her head.

" Cynthia who changed me"

" Cole did"

" WHAT why didn't you do it"

" he already seen your body"

" I feel betrayed"

" I'm sorry"

" it okay. Where is he anyways"

" Mr. Smith had gone on a business trip this morning"

" when will he be back"

" in about 3 or 4 days why"

" just asking"

"Alright well I will go make you some soup"

" thank you Cynthia"

Cynthia left the room to go make some soup for Kaylin. Once Cynthia finshed makeing the soup she also made some grilled cheese. she brought it up and Kaylin ate it.

Some time later Kaylin headache passed she then got up and got ready she was heading out to go pick up Katelin from her sleepover

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Some time later Kaylin headache passed she then got up and got ready she was heading out to go pick up Katelin from her sleepover.

There were no drivers available that day so she just took her own car

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There were no drivers available that day so she just took her own car. She finally arrived at her friends house.


" hi baby you miss me"

" yea"

" I missed you to"

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