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//A/N//: it's getting easier to keep the story going, although it is going at a snail pace lol. i have no idea where this story is going to go tbh. fight me. 

jk. also i don't have much intelligence on the voice and how it works so bear with me haha.

xx   -  s


The red-haired guy stops at a little room and turns to look at me. "Okay so we already have the song you have chosen to sing, our band has been told of it as well. All we're going to do is have a little interview before we get you out there. Got it?"

"An interview? What for?" I ask with wide eyes. I'm not the greatest on camera and I wasn't as prepared for this as I was for the actual singing.

"It's just a little get-to-know-you just in case you end up winning, don't worry about it." He says while leading me to a little sofa where there's a camera set up in front of it. "Stay here, I'll get your interviewer." He tells me while walking out.

I look down at my hands and twist the anxiety ring that my mom got for me in hopes of settling my nerves. I'm left with maybe a few seconds of silence until another smiley man in a suit bursts through the door absolutely scaring me. 

"Hey, how ya doing? I'm Carson Daly and I'm the host of The Voice." He says while sticking his hand out, completely oblivious to me jumping about two feet into the air. I put my hand in his and give it a shake until he sits down in the seat next to me and tells his entourage to start filming. 

"So...Pyper Williams, he starts looking at my name on his cards, how're you feeling right now?"

"Uhm honestly I'm very nervous, and I'm kinda regretting agreeing to this," I say, trying to avoid looking at the camera. 

"What do you mean by that?" He asks curious.

"Well, my sister was supposed to be the one auditioning but she had to get surgery for vocal nodes and she can't really sing anymore so she asked me if I would do this for her," I say. "I've never sung in front of anyone so I'm really really regretting saying yes but she's my sister so it's not like I could say no,"

He laughs a bit before responding. "I see, well that is really unfortunate for her. Mind me asking, how old are you?"

"Uh, I just turned 17 this year,"

"Oh really? So you're still in high school?" He asked looking shocked for some reason. Kinda weird.

"Yeah, I just started senior year. I'm on Thanksgiving break right now," I say. He's really freaking me out with how smiley he's acting. Why is everyone here so happy?

He nods, "Oh well that's lovely, I wish you the best of luck on your audition Pyper,"

I nod in return, "Thank you, Carson,"

"And, cut!" Someone shouts. Carson stands up with me and gives me one more handshake before hurrying off to go be a host somewhere else.

I quickly release a breath I didn't know I was holding until someone places a hand on my shoulder, scaring me yet again.

"Okay, now we gotta get you backstage and get you all set up. Follow me," the ginger dude says, still smiling but he's rushing me so I don't think I like him. 

As I follow him I can hear a group on stage right now. I look around until I find a monitor and I watch for a little. There's a group of four people - three guys and one girl - they're singing 'What a Wonderful World' and they're really good. Like really good. They're voices are just effortlessly harmonizing together and they have a really good stage presence. They only got two chair turns though. If they only got two and they're that good, I am most definitely going to get zero.

"Hey! Come on! You're up next, we need to get you set up!" Ginger yells at me, coming closer to grab my arm and pull me along. Yeah, I definitely don't like him. Fucking rude.

He hands me a microphone and tells me what to do once I get told to go on. I'm only half-listening though because the group just finished. They went to Team Niall. They walk off-stage and I tell them congratulations. The girl in the group turns to me and thanks me before wishing me luck. She's nice. I like her. Two of the guys just smile and nod at me, while the other just looks at me. I can feel his silent judgment clouding me. Not nice. Don't like him. 

"Okay, you're on. Go!" ginger says before pushing me out on stage.


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