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//A/N//: oml it has been a tough few weeks... :( but i think we good now. also a quick lil ps for this chapter and the next few: i do not know the rules of the voice, i do not watch the show enough or as religiously in order to know that. so i will be makin up some stuff just for some pizazz.

also thanks for reading this lol. i started this as a joke and didn't expect anything from it. soooo yeahhhh.  x  -  s


"Nooo, Pyper! I told you that I hoped we didn't get put together!" Claire says with a small smile.

Oh golly... I'm definitely not making it past this stage. "Oh my gosh, yeahh! This is going to suck, haha" I say with an ever so lovely fake smile on my face. Why, Niall? Why would you do this?

Claire comes up to me and gives me a sorta awkward hug, as I am still shaken. While the rest of her group is kind of just standing there and whispering to each other, giving me sideways glances every once in a while. 

"So! I see you've met each other, this should be fun yeah?" Niall addresses us with a smile on his face, the camera crew still filming us. "Now, this first rehearsal is just going to be a 'test run'. I will be separating you for a little bit so that I can work a little one-on-one time. Yes, I will be taking you guys in individually. Not as your group." He says looking at Almighty. 

The camera gets a little bit closer to our faces, trying to get our reactions and as many angles as possible. It's getting a little too hard to not look at it.

I make sure to keep my eyes on Niall and not look at the camera as he keeps talking, "When I take you into the other room, I'm going to have you do some vocal exercises so I can find your range," Oh Jesus I hate doing vocal exercises. Lovely. "Then I'm just going to have you sing a few songs, so I can see what I'm working with here. Sound alright?"

We all nod.

"Great! Let's get started!" He claps his hands and smiles like a little kid, "Uhm let's start with Alex! Come on back!" The Alex guy starts walking with Niall looking very bored. Which I think is kinda weird but, I've already decided that I don't really him. 

Once they get into the other room, the camera crew turns off their cameras and starts walking out. Leaving us in the room. "Uhh okay then. Leave us here I guess," the guy I remember as Jamie mumbles. Wow okay, this is hella awkward.

We kind of just sit there in silence for a good two minutes until Claire decides that it is too quiet for her, and starts blabbing away with her boyfriend whose name I do not remember. While the couple are yapping away, Jamie turns his head to give me a once-over before walking up to me. 

"You're going to be really hard to beat, y'know?" His green eyes stare right into my soul. 

"Oh. I think it's the other way around actually." I respond with a slightly awkward laugh.

He laughs while shaking his head, "No, you're good. Like really good. I mean, personally, I think it's more impressive sounding good as a soloist rather than a group - and you got four turns."

"I kind of forgot about that haha! But I still disagree, I think it's much harder to perform as a group because you have to mix all of the different voices perfectly to even sound good. I heard you guys before I went on, and you're good. Makes me kind of wish that I was in a group, so I wouldn't be all alone, ya know?" I say. I'm kind of surprised at how easy it is for me to talk to him. 

"Well, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree." He says with a shrug. "By the way, I absolutely love your voice. It's just so pretty, like you."

At that, I felt my cheeks turn red.

"Oh, thank you?" I squeak out, as he looks at me with a smirk upon seeing my blush. "Yeah no problem, just telling the truth."

Just then the doors open and Alex walks out with Niall. 

"Jamie! Come on back, lad!" Niall calls out.

"I'm coming, Niall!" Jamie calls out jokingly before smiling at me one last time and walking towards the doors.

Oh my gosh, why am I so awkward?

"Ooooh girl! Seems like Jamie has a crush on you! That's so exciting!" Claire squeals out while coming up to me, "You know he hasn't had a girlfriend in so long, which is so sad because he's such a sweet guy." "Oh. You think so?" I don't believe it. 

She nods excitedly. "Oh absolutely! I mean yes, he is really friendly with everyone he meets, but he's not THAT friendly. Yeah, usually he's kind of shy. But with you, he seemed totally comfortable." She kept blabbering on and on, but something over her shoulder caught my eye. 

He's glaring at me.


What the fuck is his problem? He's so creepy sometimes. 

Alex was just staring unashamedly at me, not fricken blinking. He looks mad. Why is he mad? This is going to be a weird week. 

"Pyper!" A voice scares me, breaking our eye contact. "It's your turn! C'mon girl!" Niall says with a smile like a little kid.

"Alright alright, I'm coming." 


//A/N//: mb guys this one was a short one, i have a really bad writer's block rn and i am absolutely hopeless. 

now, is there any ideas that anyone can give me lol? i have a few ideas but i just don't really know how to connect them, so if anyone can give me a few suggestions i'll be sooooooo grateful. :)

i swear i will try to be better at updating. :/  x - s

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