Sweet Tooth

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I'm not very familiar with Gran Tesoro or the Gold Movie, I haven't gotten into the movies I think I skipped that movie after watching the Dressrosa Arc, but I'm guessing it's similar to if Las Vegas was a giant ship boat traveling on the seas with, so to at least keep it at least close enough I'm gonna take a little spin on it as well. I hope everyone enjoys 😉.

Helena provided herself in the cabin of the small little ship, after their waving goodbyes towards Ms. Maggi they were off drifting through the sea of the territory heading in the direction of the Gran Tesoro as the invitation Lacey had received only private coordinates that expired as soon as they came to their destination, whatever that meant really. But in the meantime, Lacey and Asuna stayed outside enjoying the nightly sky, while she herself took to replacing the wig she asked from Lacey, she at least didn't do much to her hair since she knew Lacey could provide. The wig she was given out from the bag was a more burgundy red color with natural looking curls similar to Lacey's but less shinier, it was long that came just below her shoulders which she couldn't mind since she could style it now she wanted to do with it ' thank you Lacey...just hope I'm not so closely recognized' Helena nervously thought while preparing her hair high and flat to tuck it under the wig, as the ship was waving through the pass of the moonlight crossed over her backside and front of her hand as the moonlight  didn't just cast a glow upon her skin but it sparkled like little millions of stars under the little eye " Oh!" She gasped, pulling herself from the window's view and stepping into the hiding darkness, leaving her wig on the lone table in the cabin waiting for the passing moon to not cast its light as they passed under it ' You just keep getting worse and worse...every year it's something new with this devilish power...I..I wish I wasn't ever granted this power!' She innerly argued crying in silence holding back the tearful gasp she wanted to let loose but she didn't wish to alert her two friends who were enjoying themselves, she clenched her hands tightly as they pressed into her chest in her watchful gaze until finally the moonlight had left the cabins window and the candle light on the walls was the only thing.

She gave an exhaled soft sigh.

She stepped forward to take her place where she was standing earlier, finishing the style on her hair which she had to redo the braid and re-curl some strands of hair but it didn't look too bad on the touch-ups. As soon as she had finished, she placed it atop her head letting it fall naturally upon her that as soon as she stared in the mirror, it made her heart stop a little at the sight instead of her distasteful white pink hair which she had been ridiculed for having by her siblings and step-mother and even her own biological father alone, now she stares in the mirror of her silver-blues having be under a darker color red than she was it made her look completely different as she wasn't seeing herself as the 'White Devil' just a simple 25 year old princess ' Hehe...maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, I haven't even been around strangers or anything...one step at a time Hele' she thought trying not to overthink the plans fulfillment her, she turned away from the mirror, grabbing the cream colored rain coat out from the bag it would at least cover her bare backside and her legs a little from the moonlight that they came under.

Leaving from the cabin and closing the door behind her, she let her eyes take a quick glance upward towards the moon even with just a quick glance it made the muscles under her skin tingle but she saw no little sparkling light coming from her, so the coat and the wig were doing the
decent job to hide her from the moon " How long until we're there?!" The groggily voice of Asuna was just around the corner, Helena started walking around that way " We are almost there! Please do not vomit on my lovely work I made!" Lace's voice sounded as she pleaded word for Asuna not to barf herself over the rails, Helena made it around the corner to see for herself Asuna leaning herself over the rails a little while Lacey was a bit few feet away but also her arm stretched out enough to rub upon her backside " Are you alright Asuna?" Helena asked a bit startlingly to the two women who turned her way " Oh Hele! I am loving this color upon you!!" Lacey complimented with a big smile which Helena returned " I do love it as well" she said " ehhh...why are you wearing a wig though?" Asuna who's face looked a bit pale when she looked to Helena and a bit confused about what going on " I'm sorry Asa, I didn't mean to not fill you in" Helena frowned as she continued " you know how my family would be about if they were to find I slipped from the castle, and with my powers...I think they've gotten worse" Helena mumbled lastly, which earned the two women to come be concerned upon their faces " what do you mean darling?" Lacey asked in question and worry to her tone, Helena sighed softly than pulled her arm from the hidden covers of her jacket as a cast of moonlight flaunted them just brief like over her arm that enlightened the tiny little sparkles to riddle all over her open arm " Holy shit-!!" Asuna cursed loudly with big wide eyes and Lacey covered her mouth with wide eyes not of fear but of pure worry " H-Hele...if your stepmother were to.." Lacey couldn't even spit the words from her mouth as they started to become filled with a look of sadness, she pulled her arm back into the covers of her coat and nodded her head with a frowned look " Yes...she would surely hide me away even more, probably with chains and a key for good measure, ha! As if my birthday could not get any different" her voice almost breaking as she talked but she felt the confide hold of her friends holding her in a middle-person hug each of them on each side of her sides " We have you, darling" Lacey softly whispered in a soothing tone even if they were the same age Lacey had such a motherly attitude towards her it was comforting and warming to feel " Ill kick anyone's ass if anyone gets a look at your powers wrong, you know we always got your back!" Asuna came in with a more powerful message which earned Lacey to glare at her " hehehe, thank you...thank you both" Helena giggled as a little bit of tears cornered her eyes.

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