A Start of a Marriage or another Birdcage?.

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She could feel the soft comforts of a plush bed lying just under her body as she was starting to slowly awake and become more aware, she didn't really know how long she had been out but she felt as if she had been in a total spiral of a dream, her memory recalling her brother finding himself to stalk her into the dark covers of the chateau rooftop, enraged that she wouldn't let him take advantage of her any longer she might as well finally end this curse she's lived it forever, the devil that lives in her body that frightens her very people whenever she is seen...her own step-mother forcing her to hide in shielding coverage of clothing with bounds under her like she was an actual demon, her actual father having no care of her outcome of it all as she endured her step family's ridicule behind closed doors.

Helena rolled herself over in the bed, circling herself in the under covers of the comforter blanket. The hot warm tears were rolling down her closed eyes, she wasn't really asleep she felt but she felt too exhausted to arise from the bed and the warmth underneath, the world was not as cold towards her when she was huddled in the sheets.

Knock knock

Helena barely moved in her position as the silence grew back from the person just outside the door. Her eyes slowly opening a little to slowly blink them open ' Oh this isn't my room, I'm not even home' Helena realized in her head, and quickly as a flash memory of Asuna lying upon the floor with Katakuri just standing over her made her body tense and heart quicken, but she felt the stinging sensation of the red streaks from her endless crying " I must have been crying while asleep again? Silly I thought I grew out of it"  she whispered so softly, remembering that someone was just outside the door, she must have been left alone in a room after passing out but her clothing was also changed.
Her hair was a strewn mess, but it felt clean as her hand she wasn't lying on tossed through her hair ' Did someone bathe me?' Helena wondered in thought, blushing a little embarrassed that someone had to go to the trouble to bathe her, she had remembered passing out before Brulee ' I hope I didn't cause a problem for her?' Helena frowned a little. Finding whatever strength she felt to muster up, she pulled herself to a sitting position letting her sleep numbed arm that she had curled under her body, stretch and raise high and above her head then fluffing her messy hair, her other rubbing the crunchy sleep from her eyes slowly observing to see that she was staying in a simple medium sized room, at the end of the bed was a couch that could fit almost entire family on the one side of the room had a shelf full of books that were untied and a mess like someone had been picking around to find a story, it made her almost want to smile since she's done similar in her own little library she was allowed to have.

Another two Knocks

She looked quickly towards the main door, it wasn't being forced through by someone who wanted her answer or her whereabouts, the other person wasn't screaming out her name, Helena called out " Yes I'm awake!" Her eyes widening at her response as she slapped her mouth, the other person was silent, a little and a bit stunned by the loud response but a female voice called back " I'm glad you're awake!" It sounded like a child's voice which made her head cock a little " Can I come in, I left my favorite book here and the lady who watches us doesn't ever know where I leave it...cause it's my secret room!" The confidence of the little voice made Helena start to slowly smile a little as she giggled saying " Hehe, well I don't see any reason, and such a spot to have picked, you must be the one who enjoys this little library" giggling again as she door creaked open, allowing a small light colored pink haired child inside her red colored eyes becoming large at the sight of Helena " Ohh! You're that lady big bro who has been checking up on in here!" She exclaimed with a pointed finger, Helena cocked her head a bit ' Does she mean Katakuri? This must be another sibling, but she's so young..' Helena just smiled wide at the young girl as she sauntered inside, she dressed in a simple black pair of tights and a full white collared little pink dress, she was bouncing over in her yellow little shoes towards the small little shelf with a smile on her face " So what is your favorite book about?" Helena asked, she was gently curious but also sightful to see an innocent child around instead of some other sort of sibling.

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