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Hello Followers and or Readers who are passing through, I bring another chapter while I'm still in writing of Chapter 9 of The Soul in the Stars, don't worry I haven't left my two Oc's who I've really cherished and put in work with creating in the story, but the thinking train is a bit slow and I'm playing with the writing a lil bit. But anyhow, please enjoy another chapter of Cover me in Moonlight.


Helena felt the familiarity of the rocking of the ship under her heeled feet, she stilled herself against one of the railings on the port side of the ship, her head tilted over to see her almost reflection upon the seas top, the reflection was a b...

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Helena felt the familiarity of the rocking of the ship under her heeled feet, she stilled herself against one of the railings on the port side of the ship, her head tilted over to see her almost reflection upon the seas top, the reflection was a bit blurry but she was able to see her own self and the look of her silver-blue eyes glistening in the waters light, her step-mother insisted she wear less-revealing off and more appealing formal wear which was a head covering that shrouded over her the top of her face covering her eyes a little bit, but she was still able to see the floor and a little above where she was looking, her step-mothers chosen gown for her was a long sleeve and high collared corset waist gown that felt like it could suffocate her, it had a long layered skirting and her shoes were half inch black heels that felt like they would create sores around the bottoms of her feet if she stood in them long enough.

" Ah! Such a beautiful dress darling!" Her step-mother said as she walked over to Helena who pulled herself back up from the railing side, she could see her half siblings walking behind her with snickering looks and her step-mother as well holding in a laugh, but Helena replied " Thank you, your majesty" she gave a curst at her step-mother who just held a devious smirk on her bright red lips " Oh darling no need to thank me, if your as hideous as you dress they surely won't place eyes upon you, hahah!" She started laughing out along with her half brothers " I surely would wonder how to dance with her first! Haha!" Vermeil cackled out as Garth snickered beside him ,both still angered about yesterday's incident but Helena hadn't heard one word about it from her step-mother which could only make her worry what the two had in mind and what they had up there sleeves for her later. Helena remained silent biting her inner lip at there insults " Enough!" A older deep males voice called out stopping the three in silence, Helena turned her head a little to notice her Father standing on the second helm level his face emotionless and still as he was looking in her direction but she only turned her head down a bit " C-coming dear!" Her step-mother stammered taking up her own skirting and she shuffled off, her half brothers gave her looks than followed after there mother like puppies, it made her smile in the corners of her mouth.

Helena watched under her veil to see her Step-mother come take her fathers side, he turned away and continued forth to watch the front of the bow of the ship, but while she took to taking the back of the ship stepping herself up the stairs Helena pulled the veil back a bit since her family weren't paying much attention right now, a few of the crew men stared at her with big loving and flirty looks as if they hadn't seen a lady before " Hmph" Helena tossed her head with a smile a bit, and one of the men was stepping forth holding his hat off his greasy raven black hair, Helena was about to turn and meet him but a heavy suited guard stepped forth in between " keep to your crewman!" The fake manly voice commanded which startled the male to step back " Oh uhh...of course my mistake!" He hurried away along with the other men who didn't wish to be caught in along , Helena was giggling behind " oh you didn't have to do that, I think he as try to have a conversation" smiling as the knight turned around and pulled back the helmet to reveal Asuna her thick dirty blonde hair sitting on her reddened face " These 'men' could also possibly be pirates too...lots of carrier ships hire low class and wannabes who couldn't make it!" Her voice being a bit of a resentful tone like, Helena frowned a little at her friend.

ONE PIECE|| Cover me in Moonlight.|| Katakuri X Fem!Oc *HIATUS*Where stories live. Discover now