Hurtful Truths.

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Warning: Explicit content of graphic detail of blood and abuse will be happening in this chapter, if you are too sick for the stomach I suggest skipping ahead from this chapter and awaiting for the next.

She could see the light slowly dawning through the window, and the darkness of night was slowly passing. Helena's head slowly raised up from leaning against her knees ' is it almost morning already?' She thought, a soft knock came to the closed cabin door, as soon as Asuna and her had made it upon the ship she recalled warm hot tears and running barefoot quickly right into the cabin, she couldn't recall if she locked it or not " Darling, I think you locked the door?" The soft gentle voice of Lacey on the side of the door " Lace..." she mumbled in a whisper with a sore throat that was dry and cracked, getting back on her feet from sitting herself in a corner of the cabin she slowly walked to the door, unlocking it and allowing Lacey to turn and open " oh my...darling you look so terribly exhaust" Lacey mournfully said as she was able to see Helena's exhausted drained face, her eyes had dark heavy bags with smeared look of mascara that had run down her once blush colored cheeks, her dress was wrinkled and her white pink hair which was tied up was down strewn and loose atop her head " Is Asa alright?" Helena asked concern in her tired eyes for her friend but Lacey just smiled purely " She's alright, we're about to dock soon..." Helena nodded as she pulled the coat she had kept over her head all through the rest of the night in the cabin she kept close to her " I'm really sorry, Helle!" Lacey cried out apologetically sounding as her voice was cracking with a drawn of tears running down her cheeks " Lace...y-you don't have to apologize!" Helena replied, stunning Lacey a little at her friends words and watching as the white pink haired woman gave her the loving smile that she always placed " Oh Helena!" Lacey cried out, taking a hold around Helena in a big hug.

" Geez, can't a old Girl get some sleep!?" The loud voice of Asana yelled, but the two girls just gave two big grins at one another.

As the ship was docked and returned to where they had last left from, but instead they weren't greeted by Ms.Maggi.
Helena was redressed in the clothes she had on before when she had left the castle she was carefully stepping off the ship and looking back to Asuna and Lacey " Are you sure you can slip back in by yourself?" Asuna asked her thick brow raised and usually she was calm-headed about things but the way she asked sounded worried, but Helena just had to smile at her two caring friends " I remember how to get back, my parents and brothers shouldn't be home for another while, I'll slip in without any notice!" Asuna gave a nod but she felt a little unsure about leaving Helena to slip back through the secret way in the maze " I'll see you all later in the day, we can all just forget about what happened!" Helena gave them a thumbs up and a blow of a kiss while she was starting her treading walk back the way they had walked from.

Helena took one look back and was watching as the ship was carrying back off to return back to probably Lacey's family dock port than turned her head to continue forward towards home, the little pathway was covered around with arched skinny white bark trees that let in a mixture of shade and sunshine through, but the rising morning didn't stop her mind from wandering back to the night upon the Gran Tesoro;

" maybe you hadn't realized she already had a partner?"

" Would you care to dance?"

The memories were making her heart beat fast, she had never felt such a gentle hand even if it was larger than she'd ever seen be capable of making her own body chill at every remembered touch, the way they danced and how he would take the careful lead even with how she was so clumsy, her step-mother refused her dancing lessons after the incident on her 16th she only knew how to just two-step and sway, but she definitely didn't need the night to end as it did. Her fists clenched tight as she pressed them against her chest as if trying to clutch something in the very center ' Why!...Why was I given this devil power...the moon is such a beautiful thing! And I can't even enjoy it without..' her eyes got a little wide when her mind flashed back to last night;

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