Who is she?

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Helena and her friends explored the downtown city streets before they made their way towards the casino entrance, Asuna would groan and complain about stopping at every other shop and Lacey would go about needing inspiration for her next clothing creation. Helena just enjoyed the outing she could never experience before on all her other birthdays in the past, when she was younger her Father would have the servants make her a small cake but her step-mother argued she would just gain weight, so she never got another cake ever again. Her friends would at least sneak out late at the night while the adults downed themselves in their alcohol, they were able to slip out to meet in their secret spot all together, one birthday Lacey and Asuna had been curious of her devil powers and with respect they asked about what they looked like, she obliged and since her powers were just showing more she was just able to get her eyes to flash with color that was enough to make them in total awe.

" Hahah! Well let's get our gamble on, ladies" Lacey grinned wide almost ear to ear if she had any bigger lips and with Asuna who just rubbed her hands together in a delightful manner and a big grin on her own colored lips " hehe, can't wait to run these idiots through all their money!!" She gave a good cackle and evil grin that shook Helena's head with a little laugh at her older friends love for gambling, their home island didn't carry any casinos or gambling bars.

" is there anything besides gambling?" Helena asked.

Lacey just nodded as she pulled out a map from her little bag hanging over her hip " The Gran Tesoro holds also a wrestling club where they hold gambling fights that are usually not legal onshore" Lacey was reading off " A wrestling club! Oh fuck yeah!'" Punching her left fist into her right palm as she had a bigger wicked smirk on her face " oh lord, you are not getting sweaty and filthy after my hard work!" Lacey argued in glaring towards Asuna who just waved her hand " Oh I won't fight in my clothes!" Lacey had a open mouth look of horror " Oh dear, hehe!" Helena giggled as her cheeks flushed a bit at Asuna's word " You most certainly will not!" Lacey shouted to scold Asuna who just laughed at Lacey's reaction " Come on! If you bet on me I'm a shoo in to win! Haha" Asuna laughed loudly as Lacey growled and raised her hands to air strangle the older girl " These wrestling matches are made for top tier fighters!" Lacey exclaimed arms crossed and her hip pointed out in stance " What sort of people come to the Gran Tesoro, Lace?" Helena asked curious as she was scanning the crowds of people walking the downtown streets and she was noticing different types of dressage for certain people, even more the groups that roamed closely together, she never questioned about the ships that she was so in awe for that she never asked what sort of people owned such estranged vessels " Eheh..w-well the thing is...the Gran Tesoro allows all sorts of people, common wealth to wealth, Marines to well.." Asuna's eyes got a little wide as Lace didn't have to finish what she couldn't speak " pirates?!!" Asuna hissingly whispered, her brows squinting tight towards Lacey who sucked in her lips " Pirates?" Helena muttered confused a bit " shhh!" Asuna hushed Helena but kept her eyes close to Lacey who had a nervous wet look to her " Yes, yes...the Gran Tesoro allows for pirates, but they have to follow all common rules like usual if they were inshore upon land!" Her arms raised in a shrug as if it was alright but Asuna had her arms crossed with a glared look " Did you forget that right now we're basically carrying a walking target if Helena is even revealed with her powers?!" Asking with a stern serious voice which made Lacey freeze in look eyes as she had just forgotten that little part, her eyes looked to Helena who was staring back at Lacey with a confused doe eye look " Oh...oh Hele! I'm so sorry, I wanted to make this a good birthday for you, but I think I just screwed everything" taking onto Helena's hand and squeezing it like usual, Helena paused in a frozen moment but she looked right back up to Lacey with a forgiving smiling look " Lace, you took me out to sea and brought me to some fancy casino ship, I couldn't be more happier!" Lacey just stared with a shocked look but softened as the tears came " oh darling...forgiving as always..." Lacey muttered while she wiped upon her tears to clear off from running her eyeliner " Come on, let's go enjoy the fun, hehe" Helena said with a large grin on her face, Asuna had to give a exhaled sigh but she nodded since Helena seemed alright with everything " And if we meet any pirates, Asa will just kick their butts!" The trio started to laugh again, and continued walking along with the other crowd heading towards the casino part while just over the other way a roaring crowd of cheers from the wrestling ring could be heard.

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