No Mercy.

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Warning scenes of sexual assault and harassment may be in the first few parts of this chapter, if you are

Her mouth felt dry, dryer than it was before after seeing what had befallen the friendly Maggi, she hadn't even known if the woman was married or had children? What would her father have them do with the body? It was probably a show for the court audience who stayed around for that entire horror show, the gossip would raging around the island, even if her step-mother had any stop in it.
" You maids! No need to duty yourself" the familiar voice of one of her half siblings voice came behind her, as her head finally turned a little around to notice BOTH her half siblings come this way, the two maids paused with blushing looks " Oh...m-my lords! But your father-!" A finger was placed on the maid to her left from her half sibling Garth who gave her a flirty grin that made her whimper against his finger " Let us take our poor sister to her room, we felt so upset how our father treated her" a lie through their teeth but the maids just awed with big smiles that the two princes would give such care for her older troublesome sister " Of course" female maid on the left boasted, releasing Helena's arms and Vermeil and Garth taking each other arm in place it made her cringe and tense in their hold upon her upper arms " Ouch!..your hurting me Vermeil" Helena whispered with a croaky voice since she hadn't had a ounce of much to drink on her parched throat he just gave her a chuckle and a big smirk on his face " Come along dear sister!" Garth pulled her forth and they were continuing on with the maids watching until they turned back the other way to continue off to their regular duties, as soon as they made the corner and we're out of complete eye sight of anyone she was pressed hard against the wall shaking the hang painting near her head, she exhaled a gasp of air from her lips as she glanced to her two half siblings who stood crowding her so she couldn't escape.

" Great performance upon fathers part I have to say so myself! Hehe!" Garth spoke speaking as vile as usual. Vermeil chuckled as he flicked his glasses on the bridge of pointed nose as he gave her a look all to familiar she seen before " I don't have time for your intolerable behavior! I don't need you both tossing your own comments!" She gave a snap but it earned her to be shot back with a thrust punch to her stomach, her eyes widen and she felt as the wind knocked from her body, she felt herself falling forward but a hand grabbed right at her throat sending her head to painfully hit the wall again " Haha! That was funny!" Garth laughed as he stepped even closer into her body, the only thing was the thin nightgown she had chosen to wear out, he was taking advantage of her thin clothing as his hands roamed to the top part of her gown were it was a little bit of a low cut and she could feel as his hands pressed right against her left breast roughly, her head turned as her face flushed with a look of disgust in her eyes " what's wrong sister? not enjoying it?" He asked with a mocking tone, vermeil was behind as usual his gloved hand shoved in his unbelted pants, shaking to jerk himself off as he watched as Garth would toy and mess with her.

" Fuck you..." Helena angrily cried out but not to loud that it would cause a stir, her step-mother had never taken one truth of a word from her whenever she had caught them getting as far as this but her two sons were the angels as she saw them, princes of the island who wouldn't ever be as low as to touch something as the likes of her.
" heheh...maybe I should check to see if your lying Helena.." Garth whispered against her ear, his hot breath smelled of old ale that staled inside his mouth, she was shaking underneath him ,her hands pressing firm against his chest also pushing hard as he pressed more into her, one hand still squeezing upon her breast while she felt his other free hand slipping across the top of her gown where her thighs were, it was at least long enough he couldn't just slip right under the skirting gown " I!" Helena shouted as her eyes flashed a opalescent color, the two brothers felt a good pull forward than a invisible force of like gravity throwing them backwards a good 5 feet from where Helena was standing with glaring wide eyes but after a bit her eyes relaxed and stared a bit surprised now to see her two half siblings were upon the ground " What the hell was that?!" Vermeil cried out, wincing as he was cupping his groin area after he had just rolled over on his manhood with his hands still tucked down his pants, he probably curved it a little " ah! Send a healer!" Vermeil groaned as he curled over, Garth looked up with probably whip lash and a good goose-egg on the back of his head but that was be healed easily, but his dark green eyes burned towards Helena as he's sneered his lips in a snarling look it made her heart race a little of what Garth would do " You'll pay for that.." he muttered darkly but heard enlighten for her to hear.

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