A Promise?

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Sorry for such the long wait, I've juggling three stories and it's hard to keep up the mind track of them all, I'm also taking breaks because life is just too E X P E N S I V E, if you know what I mean 😭.
This update is a little shorter than I usually write, so I'm sorry for that, next update should be a little bit longer, my AVP story will be taking longer to update so I'll be continuing on with my One Piece fan fic series, I do not own any One Piece characters created by Oda except for my Oc's.
Please enjoy

" Katakuri.." Helena muttered softly, giving him a warm gentle smile up at him.

He stared a bit captive about how she spoke out his name ever so delicate and soft like, but he shook his head to return back to back to the matter at hand " Mama will be wanting to see you, personally" he about turned his head the other way, she dropped her warm smile and had a straight looking face, her right hand reaching upward to grab at a strand of her shiny white hair the lock twirled between her finger tips so casually it felt as if she wasn't touching almost anything at all, Helena's mind flashed back to her half brother an about what had happened just hours ago ' that's right..' again she held a nervous look, her hands folded at her front together tight as she walked behind Katakuri, he kept a casual pace even with such long strident legs.

The sound of voices and laughter withdrew her to hold a bit of held breath than softly exhaling in a shaky manner as they were closening towards the area of the party, Katakuri would just make simple quick gestures to behind him at seeing Helena hold a worried expression even in those shiny opal eyes they were filled with such worry, who could her family be? The male she had said from earlier had been her supposed half sibling ' I wonder why she didn't scream?' He pondered but averted his gaze back forward as they came to the open view of the entire party, Helena stepping at his side with her shoulders raised tense as she came to the gazes of the entire crowd of guests around them.
" Look at that girl.."
" is her hair...glowing?"
" Is that some sort of devil fruit?"
Helena could hear the whispering chatter as she was walking through the line of eye-catching guests, she tried to keep her eyes low and head forward " Helena!?" A shrill cry voice called, a all familiar voice which made her head turn a little to see her Father along with her step-mother and two half siblings being brought along aside, her nervous gaze falling over towards Garth who was clutching one hand of his face with a handkerchief pressed against his bloodied face, his eyes sneering in her direction as he was brought along tended to her step-mother as guards were pulling them away.
" Mamamam!!" A boasting loud voice cackled happily in cheer, Helena gazed forward as they were coming to the front center of the crowd leading them in front of a large long table, covered in sweets and cakes of all sorts and at the very end was the giantess Big Mom, pleasuring herself into the sweets before her, her lips holding a large smile that could probably swallow the whole table with one breath, Katakuri stopped before the end of the table alongside with Helena who held a nervous expression stilled upon her face.

" Mam-ohh!" Big mom paused as her eyes peered to see the shiny little haired Helena standing beside Katakuri " Why my Katakuri you've seem to have found my shiny little jewel here, and a shiny jewel you look to be my sweet" Big mom proclaimed smirking big upon her colored dressed lips, her hands grabbing into a piece of three layered cake that was just sitting beside her, the sight made Helena feel a bit squirmish her body almost falling back when she felt a cool gloved hand just quickly cover over her backside of her neck, keeping her in her place.

" What is your name?" Big mom asked with a sweet but demanding tone to her voice.

" I-I..m-my name i..is-" Big mom cut her off saying " Speak up child!" Helena jumped with a small squeak noise coming from her lips " My name is Helena Leones, ma'am" Helena gave a slight nod which made Big mom smile at Helena's etiquette manner " unhand me this instant!!" Another shrill order cry from the sound of her step-mother could be heard closely as her family were brought forth, Helena looked up nervous and worry as she her eyes stared to her father who seemed a bit upset his gaze would peer at her only just glancing but with just those glances she felt his heated gaze " Ah! You must be the girl's family, why must I ask that you keep the young girl a secret?" Big mom asked quite bold like, her father coughed nervous looking as he stepped forward " I thought it be best to keep her under low radar, we are a family of no devil fruit users except herself  and our island is of very little knowledge about such things" Big mom peered narrowing with a thinking expression as she listened, allowing another large chunk of desert sweets to enter her lips.
" Surely her mother would have brought her up as a refined woman" Big mom pointed over to her step mother who raised eyes a bit stunned " I-I am not her birth mother, your majesty" she bowed her body down, pulling Vermeil and Garth down as well even with their gruntal regards and groans of dissent " Do you know how she was to obtain such a fruit?" Big mom questioned but a dull silence grew, Helena bit her inner cheek from the silence as her eyes burned towards her father whose gaze remained blank and towards the ground floor " Huh? Why are you not answering? I asked a question, Girl? Speak for your father!" Helena jumped at Big mom's assertive attitude and her lips squirmed to move which made Katakuri give a glance to notice ' What is the matter?' He wondered as he was about to ask but his eyes flashes a quick red which made him freeze as his Haki came passing over like a quick vision ' Who is-'

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