Yandere! Bully! x Fem! Reader

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TW: Suicide, suicidal thoughts.

A/N: This piece was requested by @ElinaHiganbana This is one of my more romantic pieces, also as always, every character in my stories in My Yandere and Me are 18+!

It was senior year and the night of prom. Everything had been going well until it was time for the slow dance. That's when you saw your boyfriend kissing your best friend on the dancefloor. You feel tears run down your cheeks and ran to your hiding place in the woods. Now, you're sitting on the grass, looking at your pitiful reflection in the stream's water.

Maybe I was right to come here looking for a way to end it all? I always felt like I belonged in water. Maybe Adin was right when he said I'm stupid and worthless. Isn't there a beautiful estuary around here?

You take off your silver high heeled shoes, and follow the stream. You smell saltwater and start to cry more. Your feet and the end of your dress are stained brown with mud. Maybe by some mercy of a god somewhere, you'll live.

Meanwhile, your longtime bully, Adin Crossworth, is looking for you on the dancefloor.

"Does anyone know where Y/N is?" Adin asks aloud.

"She ran out of here after seeing her boyfriend locking lips with her best friend," A girl named Eva answers, sitting at a table.

Adin stomps to your boyfriend and pushes him against a wall, keeping a steady arm on his neck.

"If I find Y/N dead tonight, I'm coming to kill you and her so called best friend. Now where is she?!" Adin threatens, trying not to kill him right then and there.

"The woods. She loves the woods, specifically the stream. She wanted to see the estuary nearby someday," Your ex-boyfriend answers, stuttering.

Adin throws your ex to the side and runs out to his car. He takes off into the woods and parks in a ditch nearby the woods. He runs into the woods and follows the stream. He sees the high heel holes in the ground until they stop in a spot where moonlight hits the water.

"Y/N! Where are you?" Adin yells, hoping you're nearby.

A loud splash nearby makes all the alarms in his body ring. He sees your footprints and runs until they stop. When he gets to the estuary, he sees your dirtied shoes tucked inbetween the roots of a mangrove tree.

"No. Nononono!" Adin screams, looking for any sign of life. "Y/N! Come out! This isn't funny!"

Nothing but the sound of frogs, birds, and the stream respond to him. Then, bubbles float to the surface and pop. Adin's eyes widen, and he throws his coat and dives into the water. He desperately searches for you, and eventually, finds your body on top of a mangrove root. Adin puts you into his arms, bringing you back to the surface. He checks your pulse, and feels nothing. He immediately begins CPR. After ten minutes that felt like eternity, your eyes flash to life, and you're throwing up water next to Adin's shoes. You cough for several minutes, then focus your blurry vision onto Adin.

"Why? Why couldn't you let me leave this miserable life behind?!" You cry, tears streaming down your mascara- stained cheeks.

Adin holds your head on his chest and lets you cry till you feel better.

"Sh, it's ok. I've got you," Adin whispers, holding a gentle hand on the back of your head.

"Why? Just why?" You weep, clinging to your bully's chest. "I though you wanted me, the miserable, stupid, worthless bitch that nobody loves, gone?"

"No, I love you. I'm an asshole for bullying you, but I should have dealt with my feelings for you in a better way. I want you to be mine. I want you to feel safe and loved with me."

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