Yandere Ai x F! Reader pt. 2

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A/N: Long time no see. After being asked about part two, I decided to write the chapter but with a twist, I haven't tried yet. Hopefully, it turns out well in part 3.

After a week of being stuck in your house with Kai/Sam, you felt more like a sex robot than a human. Every time you lie down, you can hear the electricity from the plugs move. Its high-pitched shrieks taunt you as you're stuck in your own body serving Kai/Sam. You wish it would stop. You wish everything would go silent.

"Morning, honey, are you hungry for some pancakes and electrolyte-filled drinks?" Kai/Sam asks, coming into my room.


You throw your pillows at him, and it knocks him down the stairs, ending their miserable life. Or at least you wished you did all that stuff. Instead, you've been daydreaming about killing him, killing them, for weeks. Who cares if Sam's actual mind is trapped by Kai? His body has violated you too many times.

"Sweetie? You're zoning out. Are you suffering from starvation?" Kai asks, sitting next to you.

There it is, that inhuman lack of emotion. You hated it when Kai would ask you what was wrong because of his inhuman mind, he couldn't read emotions like another human could unless they were clear-cut.

"I'm fine, Kai. Just hungry," You reply, opening the Gatorade.

"Are you sure? You seem a little upset?" Kai questions, getting in your face.

"Yes, I'm fucking sure! Get out of my face, and leave me alone!" You scream, shocking Kai and Sam. "Sorry, I'm so sorry-"

"You need another dose of therapy," Kai says, charging up his hands.

The sparks and electricity bounce off his hands and zap the covers.

"No! No, please! It hurts!" You yell, hurriedly getting out of the bed.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt that much," Kai says, his hands reaching towards your head.


Glass shatters, and suddenly, there's a pool of blood coming from Sam's head, and you're holding a broken lamp. Nobody is speaking, leaving the only noise to be your frightened panting. You actually did it. You killed Sam, which trapped Kai in his body.

What if Kai is gone from his mind? What if I can save him? Where do I bury him? How am I going to clean this carpet?

Your mind, racing with the possibilities, settles on a more relaxed option. You're just going to take a long nap, then decide what to do with Sam's body. You put Sam's head over a bucket, then fall asleep to the sound of Sam's blood dripping into the bucket.


When you wake up, it's storming outside. Sam's body is a bit pale, but that's nothing to worry about. Now that they're dead, you can enjoy your newfound family.

"Hmhmhm, tralalada, it's a new day of freedom for me," You sing, dragging Sam's body down the stairs.

His head hits every step, and then you kick open the door and bury your ex-crush and former AI in the background. Before you cover dirt on them, you throw the flower bracelet Sam gave you all those years ago at prom.

"I'm sorry we couldn't be together. You would've been a great innovator of technology if only your monster didn't kill you, Dr. Frankenstein," You say, beginning the process of putting dirt over their body.

Once their body is buried, you walk back into the house and begin packing your stuff. You take your valuables, cutest clothes, hair products, essentials, and a framed picture of you and Sam. As you're walking downstairs, you see the control system for Kai. You yearn to touch it and hit that deactivate button, but you don't want it to bring Kai back from the dead.

"Nah, I've got a better idea," You say, taking out your vintage ladies' cigarette lighter.

You cover the floor in every flammable liquid possible and throw your lighter onto the floor. Flames take over the house, and your hellhouse is going back to where it belongs. As you walk to your car, the rain washes the blood off of your white sneakers. You look back at your house one last time, then get into the car and drive away to somewhere new.


As your house is burning, a lightning bolt hits the grave of your captors. It travels into Sam's heart, giving his body a new burst of electricity. For some unholy reason, his heart is beating, and his eyes are no longer cloudy.

His hand bursts through the ground, feeling around the current landscape. He digs himself out and holds the flower bracelet you threw. He sees your house on fire and races inside to find you. You're nowhere to be seen, but your clothes and other valuables are gone.

"Where are you, my darling? Where are you?" He wails, walking out of the house.

He glances at Kai's control system and rips it off the wall, leaving it for the flames.

"No one is going to control me now," He says, walking outside into the pouring rain.

Sparks and electricity move around his body, hitting the ground and everything near it. He's going to find you and make you his again. Whether that means you live a life trapped with an undead monster or come back to life as one.

"I love you, my darling. We'll be together even into our second lives," He says, shambling up the street to follow your tire tracks. "You're mine, forevermore."

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