Yandere! Dragon! Knight! x Princess! Reader

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TW: Noncon, dubcon, flogging, knotting, choking

Once upon a time, a princess was sent to a tower far away as a young maiden. With her entrapment within the castle came a ferocious beast with red scales. Now she's a young woman and ready to explore the world.

You made your plans to perfection. Once Eduardo was asleep, you'd slip out the tower window and venture into the woods for a fun night. Now, your dreams are about to come true.

"Goodnight, my darling," Eduardo says, kissing you on the head.

"Night, Eduardo," You reply, putting your head on his chest.

You loved to lay on Eduardo's chest. His body is always warm, and his heartbeat always soothes you. But now's not the time for relaxation. The night is young, and so are you. Once you hear Eduardo's heartbeat slow, you slip out of bed and climb out of the tower using the vines growing on the stones. You land on the soft, wet grass and take in the smell of the land.

You run into the forest and take in the darkness. The fireflies glow and float near you. The stream glimmers as the moonlight hits the shiny rocks and fish scales. Everything seems so peaceful to you, even if the night is beginning to get a bit hot. You squat down and look at the fish swimming in the stream. The fish swim to your hand, then suddenly swim away, confusing you. A pair of big, glowing, yellow eyes are in the stream's reflection. You turn around and see a skyscraper-sized red dragon with smoke pouring out its flaring nostrils.

"A-A-A-AAAAAAHHH!!!" You scream, trying to get away from the beast.

You feel its claws slam you onto a tree, and the pain paralyzes you.

"I'm sorry if I ventured into your territory! I'll leave right away!" You plead, looking into its golden eyes.

The dragon bursts into red light and reveals the very pissed-off Eduardo.

"Eduardo-" You stammer.

"Why did you leave our tower?" He growls, holding a firm hand on your neck.

"I just wanted to have fun! Promise! I was going to return!" You squeak, trying to not anger him more.

Eduardo lets go of your neck, letting you fall to the ground.

"So you wanted to party with the commoners, huh?"

"Only for one night. Is that too much to ask for?"

"Since you want to be a commoner, I'll punish you like a commoner."

Eduardo throws you over his shoulders and snaps his fingers, teleporting you to your room. He throws you onto your pastel pink bed and shuts the window.

"No one will hear you scream, cry, yell! You're stuck with me!" Eduardo growls, his face turning red. "You'll always be stuck with me! Me, your knight in shining armor! Your prince! Your lover! I'm the only one who will love you! Especially since your own people sent you here, so they don't have to be with your gifts!"

It was true. You were sent here at thirteen because of your strange magic. You made plants grow during the winter, and you never seemed to be afraid of the beasts in your kingdom. This proved to be very troublesome, so your parents sent you to this tower so you could let your magic stabilize without harming others.

"Eduardo, I'm sorry! I only wanted to get out of this tower for one night! Only a couple of hours! I can't stand being in this stone trap anymore! I've memorized every stone and made clothes out of curtains! I can't take it anymore!" You yell, breaking down into tears. "I need to be outside, please!"

"ENOUGH!! You're not going into town, and that's final!" Eduardo roars, red scales growing on his face.

You've never seen this side of Eduardo. Although he's one year older than you, he's always been calm, even when annoyed. Though, dragons tend to get more temperamental during their heat.

Eduardo pins you to the mattress face first and shreds your underwear.

"Flogging is quite the appropriate punishment for trying to be a peasant, right? Commoners get flogged all the time," Eduardo says, squeezing his claws onto your ass. "Oh, I think that's the right punishment."

Without warning, Eduardo smacks your sensitive ass with his rough tail. You can't see him, but you imagine he's in a humanoid form as his dragon form is too big for the tower.

"Eduardo, please-" You beg, trying to appease him.

"Sh, sh, sh, it's ok. I'm not going to hurt your ass too badly," Eduardo whispers, his hot breath hitting your ear.

Eduardo continues to assault your ass, and soon enough, his scales leave an imprint on your butt. His tail swirls around your bare pussy and suddenly sticks a bit of itself inside you.

"Oh!" You squeal, feeling the scales inside your vagina. "Eduardo, I've learned my lesson. I'm sorry. I'll never escape again."

You cry into the pillow for a few minutes, then Eduardo flips you onto your back. He kisses you on the lips, his tongue exploring everything in your mouth. He kisses your wet cheeks and licks your tears away.

"I believe you, but just in case, I'll give you a reason to stay," Eduardo says, kissing your neck. "Stay still."

Eduardo shreds your nightgown to pieces and drags a claw across your stomach. He kisses your stomach, then takes off his clothes. His penis is red, large, and slimy.

"Doggy or missionary style?" Eduardo asks, kissing your cheek.

"Missionary," You answer, hoping he'll be gentle.

Eduardo laughs a little and lines his dick up with your opening. He takes his long red hair out of his ponytail and lets it hang. His eyes lovingly look at you, and he goes for a passionate kiss. You relax as your arms embrace him, and you feel his warmth.

"Eduardo, you're warm," You say, nestling your head on his shoulder.

"I know, my sweet. But you're about to get a lot warmer after tonight," Eduardo says, using this as the chance to put his whole length in you.

Your nails dig into his back as pleasure shoots up your spine.

"Eduardo!" You scream, making him begin his thrusts.

With each thrust, he yells praises for you. You feel something expand in your wet sex.

"Eduardo, what's that?" You moan, taking in all the sensations.

You hear Eduardo growl, and suddenly, he bites your shoulder. You yell in pain and try to get him off you.

"Eduardo, stop! You're hurting me!" You scream, feeling his teeth tear into your skin.

"Sorry, my princess. I'm knotting," Eduardo whispers, letting go of your shoulder and kissing his bite mark.

Eduardo feels his balls twitch, then orgasms, and shoots his seed into you. He continues to do soft thrusts until his orgasm stops. You cum onto his dick and yell out his name.

"Sorry, I can't pull out. My knot hasn't deflated yet," Eduardo says, resting his head on your shoulder. "I'm sorry I fucked you so roughly. I've been tense regarding you since my heat started."

"It's ok. I was never meant to leave this tower anyway," You whimper, about to cry.

"Oh, princess. I would have taken you out of this tower any day if you asked. Admittedly, this tower is going to need an expansion soon."

"You never told me why you were at this tower."

"Well, I found this tower when I left home to claim a territory. I would've gone home, but you came into my life, and that's when I knew I wanted to be with you."


Eduardo kisses you on the lips.

"Hush, my beloved. We have all the time in the world together. Especially now that you have all my seed inside you," Eduardo coos, kissing your stomach. "Oh, we'll have such cute babies. We're going to be a family." 

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