Yandere Dragon! Knight! X Princess! Reader pt.2

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Yandere Dragon! Knight! X Princess! Reader! X Yandere Prince

Tw: cuckholding, masturbation, pregnancy

Once upon a time, in a tower near a bustling town by the coast lived Princess Y/N and her knight Eduardo. A month after a passionate night of love and an argument, they were making renovation plans for their little tower.

"Y/N, where should the nursery be?" Eduardo asks, coming over to you, who's in the bath.

"Eduardo, I don't even know if I'm pregnant yet. That's why I need to go to town and get a pregnancy test," You say, sitting up in the water. "And don't get all scaley with me."

"Fine. But I'm coming with you to make sure there's no trouble," Eduardo sighs, red scales creeping up his shirt. "Princess, please use the soap I made you. It's supposed to help alleviate the pain."

"Eduardo, I told you I'm fi-"

"Hold still."

Eduardo strips and get into the bathtub. He grabs the washcloth and rubs it with the red soap. Eduardo rubs his bite mark with the washcloth, and it makes you relaxed. He adds some lavender to the steaming water to make it more pleasurable.

"Eduardo, please," You moan, wrapping your legs around him.

"You can't take any more sessions of sex with me in this state. You need to relax and rest. Especially because you're carrying my babies," Eduardo responds, kissing your cheeks. "Let's get you out of here and into some nice clothes for our trip to town."

Eduardo lifts you out of the bathtub and dries you off. He takes out a dress with puffed sleeves and lays it on the bed for you to wear. Once you're finished changing, you head downstairs, seeing Eduardo put multiple potions in a bag.

"Remember, you buy a couple of pregnancy tests, maybe some lunch, and that's it," Eduardo says, his hand secured around your waist.

"I know, red lizard," You tease, earning a smack on your bottom from his tail. "Oh!"

But little did they know a prince looking for a nearby princess would mess up their plans.

"Eduardo, look! There are flowers!" You exclaim, looking at the colorful booths.

"We have those in the tower. They literally grow behind it," Eduardo says, pulling you away from the booths.

"Oh, what about those booths? They have food," You say, making Eduardo feel like you're about to get overstimulated.

Eduardo pulls you away one last time, and you run into a man with fancy clothes, blonde hair, and pale skin.

"Henry?" You ask, looking at your old playmate.

"Princess Y/N, I've been looking for you everywhere. Your parents sent me to look for you and bring you back for my proposal," Henry explains, kissing the back of your hand.

"You're getting married? That's awesome, Henry!" You congratulate, hugging Henry.

"I'm glad you think so we'll of our upcoming marriage," Henry replies, making you stop.

"I'm sorry, but I can't marry you. I'm already in a relationship with my knight, Eduardo."

"Oh, I didn't know you had a knight. Regardless, I'm sure he could live in my castle and still do his job."

"You don't get it. I'm-"

"She's pregnant with my children," Eduardo says, stepping up to you. "Now, if you excuse us. We're off to get some materials for our babies."

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