Yandere Dragon! Knight! x Princess pt.3

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A/N: This is a more wholesome and whimsical continuation mainly because reader is pregnant. But anyway, here's the obligatory trigger warning.

TW: Blood, gore, murder, monster fucker shaming.

Once again, we open the pages of this continuing fairytale. Instead of peeking in on another conflict, we'll be peeking in right where their happily ever after is supposed to begin.

"You may kiss the bride!" The priest proclaims, raising his hands.

Eduardo kisses you as he spins you around.

In pretty Draconian attire, you received a happily ever after you dreamed of. You're about to be a mom in less than two months, and now you've married the knight who's always been with you since you got sent to the tower.

"So, now what?" You ask as Eduardo places you on your newly expanded bed.

"Well, Mrs. Dracon, I would suggest a long hard-" Eduardo replies, smiling at you.


"Day of rest. You're about to give birth in about a month. Besides, I still have to finish the babies room. It only needs one more coat of paint."

"Hah, fine. I'll rest, but can you at least get me some food to chow down on."

"Of course, my love."

You lay in bed staring at the ceiling and the murals Eduardo painted for you. Admittedly, the painting of a red dragon staring down at you with big golden eyes scared you at first. But you got used to it when you remembered that's just Eduardo's natural eye color you see every day.


You sit up and hurriedly head to the window.

"Pst! Y/N, it's Henry! Open the window!" Prince Henry whispers, hanging onto the ledge of your window.

You open the window and let the prince climb inside.

"Thank you, now where was I? Ah, yes! I've come to take you away to my castle, where we will prepare divorce papers, and you will sign them. Then you shall marry me. Any questions?" Henry says, making you roll your eyes.

"Henry, this is beyond pathetic. You've been trying to make me be your bride since you found out I was pregnant. If you really wanted me, you would've found this tower before Eduardo did. Or do the classic prince thing and fight the dragon!" You rant, rubbing your head.

"I was 13, what was I supposed to do? Kill Eduardo with my foul stench after a good workout?" Henry retorts, getting up in your face.

"How about try harder or some shit?"

"Ha, you certainly tried something hard, Miss-oh, I'm sorry, Mrs. Monsterfucker."

Henry had said too much, and he had best apologize if he knew what was good for him.

You push him out the window and shut it before climbing into bed, crying.

"Jackass!" You cry, rubbing your stomach.

And just like that, Henry's life ended. Anyway, there's bound to be a lesson from his pathetic fate, and I don't really know what that is, so I'll just say this. Sometimes it's too late for apologies, and now it's the best time for faking a death or making a secret burial.

"Shit, he fell from like an eighth-story window!" You yell, hopping out of bed again and running to the window.

When you get a look at the prince, you see a puddle of blood. Surprisingly, this doesn't make your pregnant self throw up.

"Eduardo! I need help! It's an emergency!" You yell, making your husband run to you.

"What is it?! Are the twins coming?!" Eduardo yells, bags upon bags already on his arms.

"No, something worse and more bloody," You reply, looking at Henry's blood seeping out.

"Oh, you could've told me you murdered somebody. Didn't that get you landed in this tower in the first place?" Eduardo says, jumping out the window to clean up the mess.

"Eduardo! You know that is not true!"

"There's no shame in it, princess. We're all murderers or weirdos in these woods. The fairy godmother, down the way, tried to murder the sea witch's daughter because she was taking away business. The dragon fairy who cursed that princess still tries to curse the family that didn't invite her. Which is so pathetic because move on bitch! Get friends already!"

"Gee, you sure know a lot about these woods. If the people in these woods are the inspiration for fairytales, then why haven't I been saved by a prince yet?"

"Number one, because I slaughtered and ate all of them. Number two, because apparently, you keep murdering the princes who come to your rescue."

"Get back inside and go back to painting."

You go under the covers and try to sleep. But unfortunately, your husband is here to bother you.

"Boop," Eduardo whispers, making you groan.

"Go away!" You snarl, plants bursting from the ground and strangling Eduardo. "Sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"It's alright...baby, what's that?" Eduardo questions, looking at the liquid on the sheets.

"Ugh, shit!" You curse, flopping down and grabbing a pillow. "Eduardo, grab the bags and baby care kit."


After five hours of 'fuck you', 'why did I let you into the tower?', 'hold my hand', and 'damn your short temper, you oversized hot-headed gossiping lizard', your beautiful twin daughters, Riri and Ruby, were brought into the world. Although, that cost the hospital some of its bedsheets since they caught on fire from the transferred powers you got via the pregnancy. You also shit yourself too, but that's not important.

"They're beautiful," Eduardo comments, holding a redheaded baby.

"I know, right? They have my eyes and your hair. Let's hope they don't have your temper," You reply, turning away from your husband.

"What are you mad at?" Eduardo whines, trying to keep Riri asleep.

"You know what."

"You have just given birth to our beautiful children, and you're upset because I mentioned your past."

"Yes. You also irritated me to the point I gave birth a month early."

"The babies were born healthy."


"Fine. I'll do cooking, diaper changing, nap duty, burping, and doing whatever you want for a week."

"I love you, and you're the best husband in the world."

"I'll go downstairs to the cafe and get you a plate of whatever you'd eat."

Although it looks like this story may be over, unexpected guests are about to visit.

"Oh, my sweet darling baby!" Your mother cries, hugging you while you're holding your babies.

"Mom? What are you doing here? How'd you even find out I was here?" You ask, looking at your parents. "You were even invited to our wedding."

"Eduardo's parents contacted us and said you had children. I just wanna say we're not mad at you for not marrying Henry. He was annoying. Anyway, we've always known Eduardo was with you. His parents contacted us when they found out he was your knight."

"Hi mom, hi dad," Eduardo says, coming into the room with stacks of plates.

"What your mother is saying is we'll gladly support your relationship and approve Eduardo becoming king of our kingdom and his. Also, congratulations on the marriage and wedding," Your dad explains, slightly glaring at Eduardo. "Even if he is some random weirdo in a magically fairytale-inspiring forest."

"Would you like to hold the babies?" You ask, stopping whatever fight Eduardo and your father were about to have.

And so, you and Eduardo began the adventure of parenting in your tower located in the fairytale weirdo woods.

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