Yandere Merman! x f! Reader x Yandere Siren

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In a seaside town, a girl sits on the cool sand watching the sea act up under the full moon. The sea becomes rougher, and soon the sea reaches your feet.

"What are you doing out here?" Your friend, Calder Rion, says, tapping you on the shoulder.

"I'm watching the full moon take its hold on the sea," You respond, not taking your eyes off the sea.

"You don't need to be out here when the ocean is acting weird," Calder replies, his lips kissing your ear. "Come on. I'll lead you back to bed."

He hums a soft song, and you feel tired. You try to stand up, but something grabs your ankle.

"Not so fast," The handsome figure with dark brown hair and aquamarine eyes says.

"Jacques, not the time! She's staying on land!" Calder yells, his brown skin getting wet from the ocean.

Calder's wet chest sparkles with blue when the water hits it. You pass it off as your mind tricking you.

"Jacques, you came," You mumble, looking at the brown-skinned man with blue scales scattered across his skin.

"I know you, and I'm here to take you home," Jacques says, waiting in the water for you with open arms.

"Jacques, she belongs here. She never expressed wanting to live in the sea. Let her live her life on land in ignorant bliss," Calder pleads, wrapping his arms around you.

Your body feels like it's on fire as more of the sea touches it. You whimper and try to take your clothes off. Your legs, lungs, and skin ache as if something was changing inside you. You toss and turn in Calder's firm arms, trying to withstand the pain.

"Calder, please, let her go. I'm not asking this as an older brother. I'm asking this for her. She came to me for help because her skin was flaking and peeling off to reveal scales. You have to let her be in the sea, just for a little while," Jacques pleads, swimming closer to the shore. "Don't make me take her from you forcefully."

"Classic siren move. Using your song to drag people to a watery doom," Calder sneers, letting go of you.

"You're just as much a siren as I am. Especially with that humming move you pulled back there. You might as well drugged her," Jacques retorts, making Calder show his fangs.

As they begin to bicker, you drag yourself into the sea. Something inside you wants you to be in the sea, and you can't deny it anymore. Your skin begins to cool as your body submerges itself in the water.

"Where's Y/N?" Calder says, noticing your presence is gone from the sand.

He sees the leg imprints on the sand, and Calder jumps into the water. His legs disappear and turns into a beautiful light blue tail. Calder and Jacques swim to you and grab your body writhing in pain. They pick you up and carry you to the surface. The moonlight shines on your body while you rest on Calder's chest.

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