Yandere Zombie x F! Reader/ Sam's Story

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A/N: This is technically a continuation of the Yandere AI story, but since Kai, the Yandere AI, is dead and Sam was revived at the end of the last part, I just titled it differently so no one's confused character and expectation-wise. This is also a mix of yandere and fluff.

"Breaking News: Multiple mutilated bodies found in the Destin area-" The news reporter says before you cut the TV off.

"Fucking druggies," You groan, peeling yourself out of the couch.

You look out your window and see the colorful ocean waves. It had been a peaceful eight months since you burned down your house. You rebuilt your life, and now you're enjoying the money that Sam's will gave you. Luckily, no one suspected anything about the house fire, leaving you with virtually no paper trail.

"Mrow," Your cat, Angela, meows, rubbing your arm.

"I know, I know Angie. I'll get up so you can explore the bay," You say, picking up your cat and going to your room. "Pink or blue leash?"

Your cat paws at the blue leash, and you put it on. You walk out the door and walk the bay, enjoying the smell of saltwater. As you walk around, you see a huge crowd forming in front of a store.

"Hey, what's going on?" You ask, picking up Angela.

The entire crowd looks at you as you go through the people.

"They found another body in the back of the store. It had your name carved on the torso," An old lady says, clutching her purse.

You feel bile rise in your throat and throw up into the water. Angela rubs against your stomach, and you stare at your reflection in the water. Your face is pale, and eyebags have appeared. Your cat Angela starts hissing at the water, and you squint at your reflection. You splash the water, creating ripples, and take Angela home. Unbeknownst to you, a pale man's head pops up in the water like a crocodile watching its prey. His head disappears below the water, and his body goes in the same direction as you.


"Alright, Angela, I left some fish, cat food, and crab meat in your bowl. I will be back in the wee hours of the morning," You coo, giving your cat back rubs.

Angela purrs on you, and you leave your house. As you walk through the bay, the sounds of the ocean comfort you.

"It'll be fine. It's probably just some crackhead who I helped that did that," You mumble, breathing in the salt water.

As you walk through the bay in your black mini-dress and white pumps, the nightlife seems to have gone silent. The smell of saltwater is replaced by something sickeningly sweet as if you are inside a candy store. Then, that's when the stench of something rotting mixes with the sweetness.

"God, did some stray drown in the water or something?" You gag, covering your nose.

You hear the water move behind you and turn around to look at it. Several fish are floating to the surface, dead as a doornail. You return to walking to the nightclub, and that's when you hear the soft and wet footsteps of someone behind you.

"Please let it be an alligator," You pray as you turn around.

Your eyes lock with a pale man's, and when multiple bolts of electricity run along his body, you see who it is clearly. Those soft, kind eyes that belonged to Sam were feral and wide. You try to move away, but you can't. Your legs refuse to. He shouldn't be alive. He should be gone for good.

"Y/N," Sam says, walking towards you, his arms wide as if he's going to hug you. "I'm here for you."

You force your legs to move and fall to the ground as the heels of your pumps get caught in a large crack in the sidewalk. You undo your shoes and run away without looking back. Sam picks up your pumps and sniffs the insides, enjoying the scent of your sweat. His pink tongue licks the soles of your shoes, and he gets an erection.

You run to the beach and look for your secret hiding spot.

"Come on, where's the caves?" You groan, trying to look for the cave opening in the ground.

As you look for it, you fall through the opening and slide into the cave system. The pool of ocean water in the caves calms you down, and you sit in it. You let your body go further into the water until you're submerged.

"1, 2, 3," You think, opening your eyes and swimming back to the caves.

When your head pops up, Sam's lips kiss you.

"Hi," Sam flirts, smiling at your terrified face. "Mind if join you?"

Sam gets into the water, holding your body close.

"How did you survive?" You whimper, looking at Sam sniff your neck.

"I don't know. I just felt electricity hit my body, and suddenly I was climbing out of my shallow, and might I say poorly dug grave and welcomed to a burning house," Sam replies, squeezing your ass. "Do you know how long it took for me to find you? All the people I had to slaughter along the way until my body was alive enough?"

"I never asked you to do that."

"I know you didn't, but I was worried about you. Now that I have you, we can live together, and I can go back to living my life as a tech millionaire with NO AI this time."

There's no running anymore. Even if you could run, his undead body would follow you until the end of your days. Or even worse, he'll kill you and make you undead like him. Or maybe this is the universe's cruel way of saying you have a second chance to have the life you want.

"You could at least react a bit more now that we're together again. I still remember the day Kai took over my body. I was preparing to ask you out. Hey, do you remember when we went to prom?" Sam asks, getting out of the water.

"Yeah. You gave me the bracelet at the end of the night, and then we ate at Waffle House," You reply, looking at the water.

"I still have that bracelet. You buried it with me. I want to return it to you. It's yours. It was always meant to be yours, even in the event of my death."

Sam puts the bracelet on your wrist and kisses your hand. You see a faint blush on his cheeks.

"I love you. I love you. I love you," Sam whispers, kissing his way up your arm. "I love you even if it drives me crazier than I already am."

Even though his teeth are yellow and full of plaque and his body reeks from not bathing for eight months, the sight of your former crush alive, without Kai, and almost like he was, warms your heart.

"I love you too, Sam. Now let's go home and give you a good bath!" You giggle, holding Sam's face and rubbing his cheek.

Sam lifts you out of the water and throws you over his shoulder. You two leave the caves and are greeted by rays of moonlight and a neon-glowing blue ocean.

"Thank you for giving him back to me," You whisper, looking at the sky.

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