Chapter 1- The secret mission

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                             date posted: June 4, 2013

In a lush green field, the iconic pink hedgehog could be seen practicing on her running skills. Amy Rose had finally decided to try to mimic what Sonic usually does when he is outside.

She was wearing a sleeveless pink shirt with a white skirt and her usual red running shoes. She figured that if she was going to impress her hedgehog hero, she had to do what he does best. And if she can impress him with her speed, maybe he will go with her on a date without any refusal. Besides, he loves the speed, so she will give him exactly that.

However, already over the limit of three hours, breaks included, Amy dropped to her knees on the grass, panting in exhaustion. "How does Sonic even do it?" She panted. "I mean, I know he is the fastest hedgehog out there, but how could he keep on running without getting tired from it all?"

That last question, she knew, would forever be a mystery to her for the rest of her life. Still panting, Amy turned herself over and lied down on the soft grass, watching the clouds that came by through the sky.

She soon dozed off into slumber as she rests on the ground, oblivious to the time that passed her by. It only took two hours until she felt somebody shaking her out of her sleep.

"Amy, what are you doing down here?" Sonic's voice rang in worry.

Amy soon stirred as she slowly opened her green eyes, seeing that Sonic was watching her as he got her to stand up. Her legs felt a little bit heavy since she worked really hard on her running exercises. "Sorry to worry you, Sonic, I was just taking a little nap." She apologized. "And I was out doing some running exercises, so that I can be as fast as you."

"Well, don't work yourself too hard, Amy. Practice makes perfect." Sonic told firmly. "Your not quite up to my standards, but maybe you can do it if you keep trying. Why exactly do you want to run as fast as me? You already know how to follow me around a lot." He began to walk back to where his house was, pulling Amy with him.

Since after traveling around the world, and keeping Dr. Eggman from causing trouble, Sonic did long ago found a perfect place to settle down when he isn't busy saving the world, or playing in any games that his friends keep getting him into. Even a hero like him needed a place to relax. It also gave him enough time to think about what Tails was telling him.

He had yet to tell Amy what was going on, since he wanted to be sure that she doesn't go totally nuts. He remembered the whole meeting like it was only yesterday.

"What do you mean you all are going on a mission without me?" Sonic once yelled in protest.

Tails explained slowly. "Sonic, we know how you like to save the world a lot, and you barely have enough time to unwind and relax,"

"So we have decided to spare you the burden of saving the world." Knuckles continued, arms crossed. "You have always been helping us when we needed you, this will be the right time into helping you."

Sonic once again began to protest, but was silenced by Tails. "Sonic, if you don't take some time off, we will be forced to make sure that you stay put."

"Did you forget that I can't stay in one place for long?" Sonic questioned, placing his hands on his hips. "I have to do something, even if it means that I have to take a vacation."

To Sonic's displeasure, Knuckles smiled. "That is why my friends and I have decided to choose Amy to keep an eye on you. She has wanted to spend some time with you, so we are going to give it to her."

Sonic sighed in annoyance as he shook his head. "Couldn't you choose Blaze, or Silver, or anyone else for the matter that does not stalk me whenever I go somewhere?" He knew too well that if Amy heard about what is going on, she would go absolutely nuts. Ever since he first met her on the Little Planet, she had been holding a huge crush on him, to which, back at that time, Sonic wasn't interested with what she had in stored.

Heck, he would rather be crushed alive by an avalanche than letting himself being forced to marry her!

But over the times that Dr. Eggman tried to hurt her or use her for some evil purpose in his plan to rule the world, Sonic began to feel something for the overexcited pink hedgehog. That feeling was faint, but it was there.

"If anyone is suitable to keep you under watch, it is Amy Rose." Tails answered as he and the rest of the gang went off to search for Dr. Eggman, leaving the speedy hero to watch as the iconic red airplane disappeared into the sunset.

Sonic finally found the house as he quickly opened the door and carefully led Amy inside. He shut the door as Amy realized that the house was quiet, too quiet. "Where is everybody?" She asked, curious to know how come she wasn't hearing the usual chats that happened in the house.

Sonic took a deep breath as he thought about what to say. "They went off to face Dr. Eggman, without me."

Amy turned around, wondering what he was trying to say. Sonic took the opportunity to explain, "Tails did some research, saying that Dr. Eggman was planning on something, but he didn't know what it was. I thought that it was a long time since I faced the doctor, so I was eager enough to find out what he was planning. But Tails and Knuckles told me that they will do the mission, leaving me out of it."

"How could they not let you come with them? They know that you are the only one to deal with the doctor, what made them think that you have to stay here?" Amy reasoned calmly. Even though she wanted to embrace him so much, Amy held in her urge to give Sonic the love that she usually gives. After what happened with the battle against Dark Gaia, and the battle to correct the damage that Dr. Eggman caused in the past and present, Amy was getting the hang of resisting her usual attempts to hug him and stalk him from afar.

"I am to be on vacation," Sonic replied. "And from what Knuckles told me, you would be the one to help me do exactly that." The next thing that happened was when Sonic was pushed down to the ground as Amy laid on top of him, smiling brightly.

"Knuckles has no idea how much I wanted to do this with you, Sonic!" Amy told in a happy mood.

Sonic didn't say anything as he rolled his eyes. This was going to be a long vacation! "As long as you don't make me uncomfortable, Amy, I will let you hang out with me." he warned softly. He wanted to be sure that she doesn't cause any trouble for him.

he just hoped that the vacation will pass by smoothly...

That night, Amy did her best to give Sonic his space as much as she could give him. So far, they got along generously as Amy hung out with him. Running alongside him when he is out doing his running exercises, watching the clouds and the stars when they wanted to rest, Amy was just about getting her wish to have Sonic like her.

For Sonic, he never expected for Amy to give him what he wanted in the first place. He was honestly impressed with her.

Now as they laid in the separate beds, looking at each other intently, Sonic was breathing lightly as he stared at the pink hedgehog who was playing with the bed sheets. It wasn't long until they both fell asleep.

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