Chapter 18- Sealing the demon

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Sonic didn't expect something like this to happen by a long-shot. Clearly the demon was not joking about sparing him from the misery that he was going to get just by standing in his way. Not even Eggman would just go ahead and try to dispose of the hero by killing him and heading on. When EXE slit his throat, Sonic thought nothing else but satisfaction in knowing that he spoke of his true feelings for Amy. He still didn't get the full reason of why EXE did what he did, he thought that he just wanted to rule the world, and get rid of the hero and those who would get in the way. Judging by what EXE had said earlier, Sonic kind of figured out what EXE's main reason was.

Sonic pondered on what Amy would do now that he can't protect her from the demon since he got killed in cold blood. Would she ever try to fight back against him? Or would EXE try to brainwash her again and claim her as his own? He didn't really know, but he prayed that it doesn't happen either way. He wants Amy to be safe. At least he made sure to tell the girl that he loved her with all of his heart. He was saving his confession for a day when he and Amy could finally be a couple, a day without any interference of Eggman and his minions, but as the saying goes, desperate times call for desperate measures.

After when EXE threw him onto the ground, Sonic waited for death to come and retrieve him as his world turned black for a couple of minutes. It never came for him.

He felt a burst of energy surging through him, uplifting his spirit. The darkness around him became unbearably bright and the wound he had on his neck is beginning to heal. Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes, blinked them a couple of times until he could get a clear view of his surroundings.

Shadow and Silver were kneeling by him, checking to see if he was clear from any injury or battle wound that he sustained from his battle with EXE. Sonic groans softly. "What are you guys doing?"

"Healing you." Silver said in a quiet voice. "I suggest you don't make any movements for a little while Sonic. You did take some very bad beatings."

Shadow scoffed. "This is exactly what happens when you get too overconfident in your battles hedgehog. It is usually all fun and games for you until someone, including you, gets hurt. We are in a very bad position already by dealing with a demon that is far beyond our control." He turned to look over his shoulder quickly before he moved the Chaos Emeralds away from the blue hedgehog. Sonic didn't even took notice of the items when he had his full attention to the two hedgehogs. "Now I am not so certain if we have to deal with Amy or not. I don't want to go in another rescue mission just to get her back on our side again. Saving girls under mind control is a ridiculous job!"

For a moment, Sonic tensed at the mention of Amy being possessed by EXE, wondering if the demon brainwashed her again to make her fight for him. "EXE hypnotized Amy already?" He asked in a whisper, praying that he was incorrect on his assumption. Both Shadow and Silver shook their heads, confirming that EXE didn't even get a chance to brainwash the girl. "Then what happened to Amy?"

Instead of giving Sonic an answer, Silver gently turned his head to look at the direction of where EXE is located at in the temple. Sonic wasn't sure why but he could see that EXE looked kind of unsure of what had happened with Amy out of confusion or anticipation. When Sonic took a look at Amy, he could sense a very powerful dark energy surging through her. A dark power that would make even the most scary enemy to have chills up their spines or make them wish that they kept their lights on in the dark before they go to bed. The Amy he knew was transformed into something more dangerous than even EXE couldn't comprehend. Her skin had turned pale, pale as a ghost, her hair became almost as white as a sheet of snow but there was still some pink coloring to it. Her face had a look of a psychopath with those sharp grey teeth, and her black, red, and yellow eyes had a maddening look in them. She looked like she had gone insane, but from what Sonic wasn't sure until he saw the bracelet on her right arm.

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