Chapter 3- Hedgehog got your tongue?

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Amy Rose could do nothing but stare at Sonic with wide eyes that are full of shock and fear as he gazed at her with those black eyes with the red glowing dots in the center. She scolded herself in her head for being such a fool once again for mistaking somebody else for her Sonic.

She could not move a muscle as she looked into Sonic's black eyes while he is still smiling at her. It looked like those eyes are peeking straight into her soul.

Amy almost choked out her words as she tries to be polite about the mix-up she got herself into. "Uh, you know what? I think I completely mistook you for someone else. I'm sorry about that. "She began to walk backwards as he stood up from the tree he is leaning on and walked a few steps toward her.

"Why would there be a mistake when you have come to me?" Sonic said, his voice gave the girl chills up and down her spine. "Don't tell me you are just going to chicken out on the fun I will bring." There is some sort of hint that he is teasing her with those words of his.

Without warning, the scene changed in front of them both. It changed into the Angel Island Zone, but the whole place looked like it was in flames. Amy could spot some dancing flames that are flying through the air around her and Sonic. Everything is covered with fire; all but the one path where Sonic and Amy are standing on was not touched by the flames.

When Amy searched around the area, there was nothing but the soft grass that her shoes are standing on. No trees, nor rocks, or anything else for the matter, was there. She could feel for some odd reason that she is on thin ice, but she refused to let her fear take control.

Sonic's voice, along with another voice that sounded awfully like a demons, spoke. "Ready to start the game, my little rose?" Amy felt the shivers coming up her spine when he said that. Did she hear that right? How did that new nickname roll off of his tongue? The last time she remembered, he didn't call her by any other name than Amy. What could have possibly changed his mind?

She shook her head as she processed what she is supposed to be doing. "Where are the trees, and the rocks? If I am to be playing Hide-and-Seek with you, I need a place to hide. Otherwise, this will not be hide-and-seek at all." She explained.

Sonic cocked his head; the smile on his face shrank a bit as he considered her question. "Good point," He agreed as he scratched his head, some of the blood from his hands got onto his spiky blue hair. "Maybe they are somewhere farther up the path, who knows, but I suggest that you get a head start before I count." Amy nodded, understanding the situation.

She turned around, waiting until Sonic covered his eyes. "One, two three, four..." He counted, looking away from the girl. Amy then turned her attention back onto the path and walked away from Sonic, not knowing that he was peeking behind his hands while he is counting. Once when he was out of her sight, Amy began to run, feeling the wind across her pink hair and red dress.

As she kept on running, she almost wanted to stop dead in her tracks for a moment as she heard that weird evil laugh again, though she kept on running, she could feel that whoever has that creepy laugh is with her in the area. She silently thought that Dr. Eggman was going to disturb her and Sonic, but she shook her head at the thought. He couldn't do a laugh like that; she knew for sure that it wasn't him.

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