Chapter 6- Water you waiting for?

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"I thought that I was the one to set up the dates?" Amy protested at once when she heard him say that. She usually is the one who knows where to go, what to do, and make sure that nobody else stands in the way of her plans. But upon hearing that the demonic version of her hero was going to set up the date, it was enough to make her skeptical about what he would do.

After all, when Sonic hears the word 'date' he either runs away from her, or tries to do what she asks or he doesn't show up because of a accident with Eggman's minions. But with EXE, she later learned, was a different story.

He shook his head, a smirk formed on his face. "Not anymore." He snapped his fingers, making Amy crouch in the bed, wondering if he was going to do something horrible to her. She definitely didn't want to go to that place ever again.

Noticing her fearful state, even though it was positively amusing to him, EXE narrowed his eyes. "I told you to relax, dear."

"How can I when I don't know what you are going to do?!" Amy shuddered as she clung to her knees very tightly on the bed. She could almost feel the change in the temperature as she shivers from the cold.

"I am setting up the date as I planned. Now all you need to do is go out that door and indulge yourself." He told firmly, a hint of amusement on her nervousness made him chuckle as he waited right by the door.

Amy looked up from her crouching position as she pondered on what might be waiting for her on the other side of the door. Could he be expecting her to walk straight out and get killed when she least expects it? She knows that he is the dark half of Sonic so it is likely that he will be doing something dangerous. But if she doesn't do what he says, she suspects that he would love to do nothing more than to torture her by his charm.

"Will you go out that door and see what I have created just for you, little rose?" EXE asked, seductively. "Or have you changed your mind already and decided to go back on your word after all?" Amy stayed silent as she got out of her position, laying her legs on the right side of the bed. Her heart was almost threatening to burst out from the intense pressure she was feeling.

She shook her head, trying to act tough in front of him. "No! I-I just have nothing to say at all. Then again, I am just a bit nervous, that's all!" She got up and slowly walked over to where the door was. Although it seemed to be taking forever for her to get to the door, she thought that time had stopped itself when she kept looking back and forth from the door to EXE, whom was leaning up against the wall, smirking at her. She could tell that her fear was giving him something to watch.

Finally, after gathering up her courage, her hand grabbed the doorknob firmly. Her hand was shaking, whether from the cold or by the possibility that she is nervous around the new hedgehog she had yet to go out with. But on the bright-side for her, it wasn't Shadow or any of the other enemies.

The sounds of the lock being removed from its grip with the wall broke her away from her trance as she opened the door to whatever place EXE had brought her to. She soon dropped her hand to her side as she said out loud. "If you manage to bring me to a junkyard or the flaming Angel Island Zone, you are so dead- What the heck!" Amy didn't know how her words vanished from her mouth, but the sight she is looking at made her keep her mouth zipped shut from the threats she is trying to say to the dark blue hedgehog.

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