Chapter 15- Forced fight

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The gang could not believe what they are seeing in front of them. Was this actually a part of an illusion that EXE created to fool them, or is it for real? They blinked a few times, pinched themselves on their arms, and even slapped themselves silly to make the image in front of them disappear. In the end, it was no use pretending that Amy was alright. She was far from alright. She is now totally off the deep end!

The brainwashed Amy Rose standing before them blinked her new black and red eyes as she pushed her bangs away from her face, some small amount of blood was running down from her eyes. Her bright pink fur was now a dull grayish color, but her red dress remained a bright red color.

"No way!" Tails whispered, astounded.

"This can't be possible!" Sally exclaimed softly while Cream held back a gasp.

"Ah crud," Knuckles cursed under his breath. "Is this another weird illusion?" He hoped that it was, but reality is now being cruel to him and his friends as they watched their own friend stare at them as if they were complete strangers.

Cream then spoke, begging for any sign that her friend and sister was still alive underneath the spell that EXE had cast on her. "Amy! Why did you stop Sally from destroying the demon hedgehog?" The rabbit did her best to hold in her tears as she waited for an honest answer from the pink hedgehog.

The brainwashed Amy Rose closed her eyes, a small creepy smile decorated her face as she shrugged. "Like I said, I cannot allow you to harm my lover."

Tails retorted. "Sonic is your lover Amy! Not the demon that you are protecting!"

"Sonic doesn't love me." She told angrily with a blank expression at the fox and the others, "He never has loved me in the first place. I admit, I was but a foolish fan-girl to go after a man that does not seem to return my feelings for him. But now that I found the one man who respects me and treats me like I am more important than his job, you planned on keeping me from my destined soul-mate. The point is that my dream has finally come true and I am not letting anyone take it away from me. Right, my dark prince charming?" She asked that last sentence to the demon right beside her as she pulled him up from the ground.

EXE smiled devilishly as his left hand covered his eye that is injured from the fight he endured. Strangely enough, he didn't seem like he was affected by the poison Sally tried to infect him with. "Right babe!"

Cream tried again to snap Amy out of her trance. "Amy please! You can't listen to him!" Sally placed her right hand on the rabbits shoulder, taking her attention away from the newly possessed hedgehog.

"She can no longer hear you, Cream." Sally told her. "When someone is possessed by a powerful force, they do not know what they are doing to the people they love. EXE's curse can infect a person's mind, body and soul very easily. No one can escape from that prison. Now, Amy believes that what she is doing is the right thing when in reality it is wrong. She will not stop for anyone, that includes us. The curse likes to play tricks on your feelings and your mind."

"How is it even possible that she is now infected by the curse?" Tails questioned as he looked carefully for anything that is off about Amy's appearance. Sally didn't answer him as she and the others looked at Amy's bloody neck. Finally, their eyes widened as they identified the mark of the bloody heart they remembered looking at inside of the temple. "I guess that answers my question."

"I am glad you are paying attention. I did not even need to explain to you how I now have her full attention on me." EXE spoke, amused. Placing his free hand that is not covering his eye on Amy's shoulder, the girl then turned her head to look at him as he leaned in to kiss her. They embraced each other passionately, refusing to let go of their significant other as the couple deepened the kiss.

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