Three in Pairs!

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Hello everyone!
Today we celebrate 5 years of publishing the first chapter of this book!
And what better than a bonus chapter?? 😄
I owe this to you since you guys have been AND STILL ARE so sweet and love all my characters.

(In case you didn't hear- I hosted celebrations for the same on my insta handle for more than a week and posted 8 snippets too. Go check them out @JustDream431 !)


Jane's pov-

"I'm going to kick both of you!"
I said angrily as I entered Wills's home. How dare they ruin my plan!

"He's older. His fault. Totally."
Wills said when I walked upto his nose with red eyes. I turned to look at Nick with same glare.

"Calm down you puffer fish!"
Ren tried but in vain.
I looked at her once and she shut up and stopped defending her husband.

"I spend one week planning this trip. Asked you all a zillion times. Fought with Martins over everything. And you had to arrange the TETs just in that week? Give me one good reason why I shouldn't punch your pretty face!?"
I blasted at Nick.

"Because I'm the elder brother?"
He replied hesitatingly.

I stepped ahead to atleast punch him for this answer. I was held back by Wills holding my arm.

"Let him try again."
Lily said laughingly and I took a deep breath.

"Because you only have two brothers? And I'm the better one?"
Nick said with a smirk.

Immediately Wills let go of my arm and said "Go ahead. Give him a strong one. Sorry to stop you before."

I couldn't stop myself from laughing and let out a chuckle.
"I swear you both deserve a punch each."
I said sitting down next to Lily.

"Now that you have your hands and your brain in your control, let me explain. The boys need an early break off since we have plans at KMA. TETs have to be conducted early. It's not in my hands. I'm sorry."
Nick said politely.

"Yeah that's easy. Sorry. And all my efforts go down the drain."
I said getting angry again.

"Absolutely not."
Wills said.

"What do you mean?"
Me, Ren and Lily said in one go.

"Why don't you three ladies go for the trip? Make it all girls. Enjoy as you planned!"
Nick said.

I thinned my eyes and looked at him. Nick just raised his eyebrows as my brain gets on the job.

The other two ladies said.

"I need to talk to them alone."
I announced.

"This is my house if you're forgetting."
Wills warned me.

"And I'm supposed to punch you both if you're forgetting. You choose."
I replied just as sternly.

Nick cleared his throat and both of them walked out.

"You two. It's not a bad idea. We can go. Though I hate that Martins can't come but I'm sure he'll agree with Nick."
I tried to convince them.

"Nah. I had imagined all the sight seeings and journeys with Wills."
"Same here. I'll miss Nick's nagging."

"Shut up! You want your men to please you at the beachside and on hilltops. Stop making excuses."
I said it out front.

Lily looked down blushing. So did Ren. But she's not Ren if she doesn't have a comeback.

"Says the one who wants her man crawling up the sheets every single night."
It was my turn to blush.

"We're getting distracted. Come on girls! Since when did we start depending upon our men to enjoy? We can go hiking, wear nice bikinis and dip in the sea, dress up hot and go clubbing - it will be fun! Come on! Keep your toys if you want!"
I hurriedly said because I was getting so excited.

"This sounds good. Alright. I'm in."
Ren said.

"Fine. I'm in too."
Lily said.



"You should have been a trip planner. I never had this much fun before!"
Lily said and I proudly jumped over the counter to the other side.

"Absolutely! This two asses missed out on so much! I don't mind though. I enjoyed."
Ren said taking second shot I served them as the bartender.

"I still can't believe you have such good contacts at the best places in the world!"
Lily said gulping her second shot.

I just laughed off waiting for the best moment of tonight to arrive.

Lily was looking at me and Ren had her head on the counter when Lily felt a whisk of air on her hair.
She gave a big smile and said 'You evil' looking at me.

I laughed at her.
Smart woman. She understands her man with just his breath.

She turned around on her stool and Wills hugged her bending down without letting her climb down. His head was buried in her hair as if he was dying to be there.

"Evil? Nobody didn't even say anything -"
Ren looked up from the counter and saw both of them hugging.

She got up with a jerk and looked around frantically. Finally her eyes locked with Nick's.

"Hey sexy!"
Nick screamed from the other end of the club, leading against a wall with his arms crossed. I was surprised at how loud he was despite the music.
But I was not ready for what came next.

Ren took off running and shrieking a loud 'Aaaa' all the way till she reached him. Everyone in the club stopped doing whatever they were doing to see what happened. Wills couldn't care less and didn't move an inch.

Nick was ready with his arms open and as soon as she collided with him, he lifted her up and they kissed like a Hollywood couple meeting in front of Eiffel Tower after ten years! So dramatic! But oh so lovely.

The ladies behaved exactly the way their men said they will.
I'm proud of these guys to know their woman inside out.

I was smiling crazily looking at both the couples when I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned around only to get a 'whoosh!'.
I ducked in reflex and then realised who it was.

I got up and hugged him tight.

"You thought you're the smartest?"
He said hugging me back tightly.

"I KNOW I'm the smartest!"
I said making both of us laugh.

"I need these three couples to entangle fast. You've got jealous singles looking at you!"
DJ announced on the mic.

Me and Martins laughed and kissed each other on the lips quickly before moving away. He wrapped his hands around my waist and I felt so so good.

Wills had moved back too but they were still looking at each other with big smiles.

Nick and Ren both had their middle fingers up. We laughed at the expected response.

Before anybody could intervene, Nick walked out STILL kissing Ren.
I won't be surprised if Ren comes and tells me tomorrow that Nick had booked a room for the two of them in advance.

These two horny dogs can't stay without touching each other for more than a few minutes. That's how much they really love each other.

"We came a long way, didn't we?"
Wills looked at me and asked.

"We did, Killer. We really did it."
I replied with a warm heart.


My happy tears are over the place!
God I love them all!
My babies!

I'm glad to have you all as a part of this celebration because it means a lot to me!
Thanks for still being here. ❤️

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