Ch74 They Call Him Coach Carter

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Hey fellas!
This one's a special edition.
Wills POV-


Day 1

"Ren take her out before I include you with him." was the last thing Nick said.

After Ren and Jane left, Nick went and sat on his chair.
It was just the two of us, at 2000 hours.
"At ease." he said, without looking at me.

I was surprised, but changed my posture to feets apart and hands behind my back, relaxing my body as much as I can before he gets in the mood.
For next ten minutes, the only sound that came from this hall was of our breathing, and the pages he was turning, of my mission file.

It was becoming impossible for me to wait for him to speak up and curse me. But he didn't and that was disturbing me.

Another thirty minutes passed and he sat like I wasn't even there.

I had enough. I broke the silence against my wish.
But before I could, he stopped me at first word.

"I thought dad was clear about how to greet me. I'm an instructor-in-charge here. And you are here for?"

"CT, under official cover of junior instructor." I completed his statement.

"So, technically you have absolutely no right to call me by just my name. Correct me if I'm wrong." he said finally looking up at me, in a challenging tone.

That's true. I was a class-1 agent, and to stay in form, I need continuous training. To avoid revealing our class, and to keep us in shape, agents are posted to military academies as junior instructors. They are supposed to train the cadets there, on paper obviously, but in reality, they undergo their own CT (Continued Training) by the Instructor-I/C or the senior instructors of the academy.

Nick's academic and physical performance record as a cadet was exemplary. If dad had an option to choose two awards for best cadet, Nick would be getting one too. Still, his training performance and post commissioning work dossier got him easily qualified for the post of Instructor-I/C at any academy, despite his young age.

That's how both of us ended up here.

So, by all means, he has the right to ride my ass whenever, wherever, and however he wants. But we have been living like brothers and Co-officers since our Day 1. He never pointed out this fact till today. And I'm sure he is pissed as hell to actually say it out.

"You are correct, I have no right, coach." he seemed to be convinced as he looked back down to the bloody papers, again treating me like useless air of the room.

So I'm not allowed to call him by his name, since that would show that we're brothers. And he's angry enough to not let the truth soften him down. I see where this is going to- worse than I signed up for.

After waiting for another few minutes, I lost control.

He just raised his eyebrows and a slight nod as a response. He still wasn't looking at me.

"Speak up, please. I need you to bring it all out. That's why I signed up for this- to clear out things. If you're going to sit here and say or do nothing, how are we going to get back to normal?"
I said with almost bursting heart.

He took a few moments to frame his answer, or torture me in silence, or may be both.
"Going back to normal? Would it make any sense if you were not here? Would there be any normal if you were not alive today? Would it?"

"No, coach."
"Then I'm thankful to you that atleast you are alive. Normal or no normal doesn't matter much. You asked for a session, the commander ordered me to chair it. That's exactly what I'm doing. I have nothing to say or do with you. Just stand there in the corner for ten boring hours for three days and then leave. I'm not doing anything."
He said as he went back to read the folder.

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