Ch30 Flashback Time

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Ren was laughing loudly when she pointed at the jug kept on table, I didn't notice before.
I raised an eyebrow at her, asking what she meant.
She took few deep breaths after controlling her laughter and said "I made him drink one whole jug of water every hour. He had no option but to cheat! Ahahah!"

She is one real devil.
I used to think only Killer is a devil here. But look at this howling woman !

His bladder must be bursting. I can rewind last few moments when he literally begged Ren to let him go and attend nature's call. Such power of words, more than that, such importance to words.
It's stupid, but I like how their concept of 'suffering in a punishment, until let free' is clear.

I was grinning, when I heard a door open.
I flushed my smile in a moment. But after I realised that the amount of time he took to empty his bladder, was almost double the time one would normally take, I burst out a muffled laugh.
My stars were in perfect position, he didn't hear me laughing.

He looked at me and Ren in embarrassment. His cheeks were red.
"You are one hell of a sadist. God bless your future mate." He snapped looking at Ren, and holding his tummy in both hands, as if still feeling that his bladder will burst out.
It was all so funny.

"He is in for a ride, don't you worry Pumpkin. By the way, it felt good? " she said while walking towards him with twinkles in her eyes.
"It was heaven in there." He spoke in a heavenly tone. Hahah.
That must be their usual conversation, the three of them, because his tone changed after a fake cough when he realised that I was there too.

I saw Nick awake and trying to sit up "What was the bang few minutes back?" he asked innocently.
Ren started howling again "A dam gave way. Ahahah"
"I hate this woman for doing this. Tell her." Killer looked at me while pointing at Ren who was laughing with watery eyes.

"Did you just..." Nick was starting to laugh too.
"YOU. You dare not laugh at me." Killer warned him. He sucked up his breath and sat quiet while Ren calmed down.
"Hey you promised you'll behave with him!" Ren reminded Killer.

"Yea yea, I did." His tone was sarcastic and casual.
"Nick how are you feeling now? I hope you drank enough ORS to rehydrate yourself?"
"Yes ma'am I did. And I'm feeling much better now, thanks Ren. Just sore that's all"

"Erm.. Willy.."
"Not allowed." So, Killer has not yet forgiven him.

"That's not fair, pumpkin! You promised!"
"I'm keeping my promise, no punishments. But I'll not talk to him, atleast till father is done."
Killer said in a calm tone, being the kill joy.

Well how can I forget that incidence?
The one where I understood that Col James, indeed, is most important for him.

**** Flashback****

I was returning back from my daily dose of pain, when I saw six cadets standing in the parade ground, with an instructor facing towards them.
I was pretty sure they were being punished for something.

I tried to have a closer look, but couldn't go very near. Since Killer had declared parade ground out of bounds for me. I was not to be seen in or around that place. He never said why, and I never had the strength to ask him, but my experience says that since I'm not a soldier, I should not be given any privilege of one. I was ok with it.

But right now, I couldn't control the urge to check what's going on.. because something caught my eyes, despite of the dark. There was something shiny hanging on the right side of each of them. I went a few steps ahead and was sure that whatever it was, it was tied to their elbow, and that they were standing in attention with a fixed salute. But what is it? It has to have some role in the punishment. These people are very creative in that sense.

Within a minute I understood the whole scenario when I heard a sound similar to ringing of a bell.
That shiny thing was a metal bell hanging from their elbows. Keeping your hand in a salute position will start paining after some time. That's when you move it and the bell will ring at slightest of movement. The instructor is there to ensure that the defaulter unhooks the bell from his elbow, keeps it on the ground, picks up the log of wood kept right in front of his feet, and run one round of the ground. He comes back, keeps the log back on ground, hooks the bell on the elbow and again stands in attention with that salute.

I'm pretty sure, these 6 guys will hate the sound of ringing bell here onwards.
I turned back to leave and bumped into someone.

"I'm out of bounds, I swear I didn't enter, I swear!" I said in reflex, because I was sure it was Killer.
"It's ok Miss Jane."
Well that is somebody else's voice...


Guess who...?

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