Ch110 The Turn

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The camping and field training was supposed to happen after two weeks.
I still can't understand why father preponed it overnight. That too while he wasn't even here.

He rang up early morning today from the vehicle unit itself and told me to do all arrangements. He told Nick to accompany the freshers and second year cadets, like every year. So I had to let go of cadets and also Nick to have good sleep since we all were up all night.

But the day had something else planned for me.

Father showed up at Gym when I was waiting for Jane. When she didn't turn up, he asked me where she was.
And what better timing, she went missing! People whom I had instructed to keep an eye on her couldn't trace her.

Her last update was of Mess. I went there to check myself but she was not in the dining hall. No trace of her presence was there. Infact not even a single soul was there.
Flynn and his staff had gone to take rest too.

He was pissed to say the least.
I went running around the whole academy to find her and thought of going back to mess once again just to find her enjoying breakfast there.

I felt relieved and angry at the same time! I wanted to shout at this girl so loudly! Looks like she had no clue that I was waiting for her in the gym.

I told her to go check her pager and went back to Gym where my unforgiving commander stood. After listening to the whole story, he smoked me for being so casual about her, made me get on the treadmill, set the speed to shooting fast and paged Jane from my pager.
"Do not get down till she's here. May be this will remind you to be careful next time. Report with Camp details in an hour. We'll discuss about this later."

That look he gave me when he left had me shaking.

I really wished that she comes within moments because my lungs were screaming out.

I'm yet to understand his sudden concern for Jane's safety. I mean, she's inside KMA for all I know.
But may be that's not enough for him.
I really have to keep an eye on this girl if I don't want any more anger directed at me.



Having a mini punching session with the punching bag at gym and a few reps of my usual warmup, I called it a day.

I was feeling more tired than other days. May be it was because of the drinks I had last night.
Poor Killer. He had to run so much in this state. He didn't even get any rest.
He has all the right to be angry at me.

I met Ren next at the med care and told her the whole incidence.
She laughed at Killer's state.

"I heard Nick is going for some camp."
"Yes honey. This is a scheduled training outside the academy. This way they get a taste of reading maps, learning camouflage and surviving in the wild."

Sounded interesting.

"So, how is Major Bones?"
She asked wiggling her eyebrows.
"God, you have to stop teasing me like that!"
"I'm dying to do this to him too, but you know, I can't. Not allowed to. So you get the double dose."
Ren and her logics.

"He's good. We talked last night too. He is doing some case study - something about post op recovery phase - for which he has to stay at hospital all day and most of the night."
"Really? Wow! Only a few people get a chance to do studies at AFH! That will really be a feather in his cap for the rest of his career. I'm so proud of him!"

"Is it? I didn't know it's such a big thing."
"It is, sugar. A successful study helps you in choosing a better super-speciality and therfore, better postings!"

"That is great! The next time we talk, I'm going to scold him for not telling me all this!"

I sat there for sometime while Ren made a list of medicines and equipments that were to be packed for the camping. It was a box full till the brim. She really doesn't want to take any chance.

"Are you going to the camp, too?"
"Normally I do. But this time I'm staying back. One of my assistants will be going. Colonel is serious about the final year batch's drill and I have to be here if anything happens to anyone of them."
She replied closing the box.

"I see. Ren..?"

"I feel strange. I mean.. I'm not feeling good."
Ren turned around and looked at me like she could feel it too. Then she composed herself and said "must be the shots last night, girl. Rehydrate yourself and you should be fine. Come lets go to mess."
I nodded because even I didn't have any other explanation for my state.

It was late evening by then.
I checked my pager to see if there's any message. I can't commit same mistake twice in a day.

There wasn't any.
So we headed towards mess. It was full.
Cadets were rushing and suddenly Nick came to my view.

I exclaimed and went to him.

"How long will you be away?"
"It's a four day camp, girl. I'll be back soon."
He winked.

"Alright I'll wait."
I smiled.
Anything better than him going for any mission.

We had snacks and Flynn's awesome world's best coffee.
Nick and the cadets along with three instructors left for the camp at night.
It was a big convoy of so many vehicles.

Next three days went boring.
Killer was neck deep in work, so no practice. I kept my pager with me all the time. But it never rang.

I had started getting those butterflies again. The scary vibes would raise my heartbeats often.

I'd spend most of my time with Ren or Flynn. Ethan and his boys were always out on the field or drill ground.

Just one more day and Nick will be back. Things will be back to normal.



"Sir, Major Nick has left for KMA this morning. He must have reached there already."

Nick left for KMA?
On third day of the camp itself?

The bells in my head were ringing loud enough.

"I was with cadets whole day. He must have gone to his office directly. Who came with him?"
I pretended that I knew the plan.

"He returned alone in a gyspy, sir."
"I see. Okay Instructor, ensure that the boys follow discipline. You have a free hand from my side."
"Right sir."

Nick left? And he must be here if he left in the morning! Where the hell is he then?
This can't be happening.

I cross checked with the guards and duty staff but Nick hadn't reported or entered or even seen around KMA.

I rushed to father's office only to find him busy in conference call. The light outside his room was turned red which meant do no disturb.

I paced outside his office to get inside the moment it turns green.

Kelly saw me on my toes.
"He's not coming out soon. Not for next two hours atleast. That's what he said himself."

Two hours?!
Oh boy no.
All this is pointing towards what I'm thinking and I can't do anything!

I can't wait for two hours!
I need to talk to him right now!
Should I barge in?
You're stupid enough to even think about it. If he wanted you around, he would have let you know.

What should I do then?
I was going crazy when I found a pile of folders kept on the reception.
Casually checking them one by one, I opened the one that had my eyes fixed and saw what was there - Nick's Pre Mission Medical Examination.
Undersigned by Ren, due for Perusal by Commander.

You can't do that, Father! But..
That means Ren knew.
She's dead.


That's all the sound I could make.
My Nick..


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