Ch43 You Can't Break Her

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"Ready?" Killer asked Ren, who nodded and got down to start her crunches.
I pressed the button on timer and Killer started counting.

"Fifteen.. Sixteen.. No that one doesn't count.. Seventeen.." those 21 crunches took 38 seconds.
Ren gave him a death look, before getting up but kept her mouth shut.
She moved her hands behind her head and tightly fixed her palms there.

Killer stood in a 'boxer' position now- shoulders down, fists in front, eyes focused on one target, her abs.
"Start" and i pressed the restart button on my stopwatch, when I saw him punching her non stop on her tummy.
She held her breath, her lips pressed, eyes shut tight. Her body was shaking with every impact.

You could feel how hard those hits were, if you could hear the sound as clearly as me.
This man is cruel, to say, at the least.

Did I talk about him cutting some slack for girls? Well, guess he proved me wrong again.

I was feeling bad for her.
But I still don't know why she asked this merciless guy to help her.

As soon as it reached 38, I shouted "stop!"
He punched her one last time, AFTER I announced, and moved a step back.
"You can't start off light, can you?" she asked him rubbing her abs.

"You're not gonna last long, and I don't want to miss out the only chance I have. I can leave if you don't want me here." he was getting all sarcastic here. Bloody Killer.

Ren looked at him for a moment again, then went back down for next 20.
This time she took 40 seconds.
She got up, rubbed her abs and got into the second position.

Killer was hitting harder this time.
She was grunting with each hit. Her cheeks were shaking like a cute puppy's would shake when you pat them.
The speed and strength were definitely more than the previous set.
He started with the centre part then moved towards the sides.

"ummph!" her discomfort was clear.
But that smile.. I know Ren was holding herself back from hitting his smiling face, hard.
"Tired, princess? I've just started. Give me a chance to atleast increase the pace."
He was challenging her.

She nodded a 'I'll get back to you soon' and moved down for next set.
I was impressed by her determination. She was exerting herself and tolerating pain alternatively, all the while looking at this annoying face.

Let's see how long before he breaks her up.
"nineteen... Twenty."
48. She was worsening things for herself, and making it more sadistic for him.

The other day he was cursing her for being a sadist. Look at him now!
I pray to god for his wife. She'll be living in hell. Oh wait, she won't. She'll leave him within a week.
Or may be the next day.

Shit was getting serious.
His blows were faster and stronger. Ren moved her right foot behind to stop herself from falling back. She was bending forward with each blow.
"You're blocking my field young lady." She straightened back up looking at him in anger and pain, while he never stopped hitting her with that smile on.

"Stop!" I cried out loud.
He gave the mandatory 'cheat punch ' and moved back.
She touched her tummy and sat on the ground bending over herself.
"Ren you want to take a break?" I asked her delicately.

"No she won't. Come one, move. Don't waste the burn!" He answered before she could even take a deep breath.
"No breaks, hun. You check the timing." she almost whispered.
I was confused but I knew it's getting painful for her to talk right now, so I stood back up waiting for her to start the next set.

I lost count after 8 sets, because I was getting concerned for her condition now.
This time she took 106 seconds to finish 20 crunches, which is better than my timing anyday, but it means more torture.
"That's my girl! How much?" He said the first part looking at her, then the second one looking at me.
"One hundred and six"

"Hahaha. Finally! I thought you'll never stop, wonder woman! Jane, you can keep the stopwatch now. She won't be going for the next."
Oh my god. That was an open challenge, with Killer having the upper hand already!

While Ren was trying to get up using all four limbs, I saw Nick crossing us.
I checked the time, it was 22.55. Yeah, his next fumes. Good that he's on time.
He stopped next to us and looked at Ren.
"Such a pity.. Get some abs, man!"
I looked at him surprised. He acted no different than Killer.

"Screw you both" Ren whispered out as loud as she could.
That's the spirit!
"hehe, sorry girl.." and Nick left for his own treatment . Good that he apologised, otherwise I'd never forgive him!

She got ready, and I somehow knew that this will be the last. I was so impressed by her. Killer was all tired and sweaty, though he'll never admit that she's being awesome.
And yes it was the last.
As soon as I declared the time over, she moved back in a jerk, one hand on her abs and other in defense from Killer's cheat punch.
He is a jerk who cheated and hit her somehow.

"That's it... I can't... Ugh. Enough." She couldn't complete her sentence, when Uncle James entered.

Both of them stood straight.
It's shocking to see how his mere presence makes people swallow all their pain. Look at the woman who was grunting and doubling in pain a moment back.

He came to us and looked at her in the end.
"I hope you're not planning to disappoint me again?" Well that was scary!
"No sir." Her voice was heavy. She used all the strength to be loud and clear, but the pain was clear.
"Good going." he looked at Killer who just nodded in reply.

She got back to her reflexive position when uncle was out of our sight.
"You'll need a stretcher too?" he offered her a hand she climbed up with.
"Fu.." she started swearing.

"Shhh! Clean that mouth of yours. You were about to earn a good beating from him, last time."
Hahah ya I remember that too.

"Fine. But I hate you swine!" She said while letting me keep her right arm on my shoulder. I was careful not to touch anywhere near the tummy.
"I love you too." He said with a laugh.

Then he turned back, looked at Nick for a moment , turned straight and hung his head down. That was something I didn't expect him to do, knowing his anger.
But they're brothers, remember?


Yea Renne Scott is THE man! And Jane is trying to climb those stairs too.
You must be wondering whether all of them are trying to help Ren or humiliating her.
Well, I guess we all know the answer.


Let me know your opinion. ;)
Hey! A new character is about to make an entry, so just sit and wait, vote and comment. :D

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