Ch55 Love And Hate

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It was awkwardly silent after Louis apologised. I hope he treats his dog better now.

Mr Martins said after a long gap, "You recently returned from a desert posting, if I'm not wrong?" he began.
"Yes sir, last week."

"So, your RTG medicals are done?"
Suddenly realising, Louis spoke "Damn. I forgot them completely! Sir, can I please excuse myself? I'll get the blood tests done rightaway."

"Go ahead. But remember, 1800 hours." ah that tone. This man can sound dangerous too!
A gulping "yes sir" was heard, before Louis saluted him and left.

"That was a smart move, mr. Martins." I said with a smile.
"You think your trainer will leave you alone with me? Specially now that you have brought trouble for his Boss." he said with a laughter.

"That as*! " anger was gripping me again.
"Why are you getting so angry? I thought you'll be happy that Wills got screwed so badly."

"Killer, himself, is a pain in the as*, I agree. And I truly hate him, too. But he doesn't deserve this. He risked his life in that mission and broke his bones. I can't believe that Louis didn't know about it."

"What do you mean? Is he lying?" His tone changed.
"Yes he is. He knew Killer had fractured bones, and that he's out of practice since five months, he'll not be able to finish a 'fumes'. Still he went for it. There's something more to this meeting. And I'm angry because he finds that 'something' more important than his Dog's health." I was furious.

Mr Martins looked at me with a curious smile.
My anger came down when I saw that smile. "What are you smiling at?"
"At your intelligence, miss Jane. You are an intriguing lady, I must say."

And I blushed, worst in my entire life. I could feel my cheeks hot. I smiled and looked down, not in a state to even thank him.
"I forgot to ask you one thing." he got my attention back with that question.

"What is it?" I barely whispered.
"Are you dating anyone these days?" and I sucked in a breath.
"No.." I think it got stuck in my throat. I cleared my throat and said again "Ahm, no. No one."

I was smiling like a three year old about to get a jar-full of her favourite candy.
Before he could say anything else, Killer limped in.
"Damn you, Wills." Mr Martins cursed him with clenched teeth, in a tone so low, only I heard it.
It was difficult to control my laughter, watching this overly calm man get frustrated.

Killer stood straight in attention, with zero expressions on his face, waiting for his doctor's next instruction.
"As a lesson of controlling your powers, I think ten days is too less." Martins said, in a teasing tone.

And the zero expression face just turned into a rainbow of expressions, from shocked to angry, to pleading, and back to zero.
"As you find fit, sir." Killer accepted his fate. Well, there was no scope of arguing, after what happened.

Martins had a good laugh before continuing "Alright. We'll remove it this Saturday. I knew you'll strain, no matter what. So this cast is for any super-imposed injury. Six days should be fine. I'll teach you a few exercises for your physiotherapy. Wait, I've taught you before, haven't I?"

"Yes sir, during classes."
"Great. It will be a test for you, then. You'll be free from my side this weekend. Get your mind ready, and buckle up to get back to your training."

"Yes sir!" Killer replied loudly, with a pinch of happiness and proud.
"Dismiss. See you later, miss Jane."
As soon as Killer turned back, Martins winked at me. I thought I'll die. I just blushed and ran away.

Boys were moving out of the Mess when they saw this danger approaching. Half of them started running and half sneaked back in, to go from the other route. Killer was an absolute terror among these guys.
"I'm watching you. I'll see all the late reporters tomorrow." was enough warning to clear the mess hall in seconds.

"Why are you so strict with them?" Ren started.
"They need a push. And one of us has to be the bad guy to give that push."

"I think you enjoy being that bad." Ren was right.
"It's all about appointing the right person for the right job." Killer replied in his oh-please tone.

"Well then why don't you take up that job?" Entered Nick in not-so-good mood.
"I did yesterday. Their coach didn't report on time. That's an explanation in itself." Killer said it in his face.
"It's over, okay. You can't just bring out that century old incidence all my life." okay this is getting scary. They're fighting again.

Suddenly Killer laughed and Nick joined him.
"One hell of a good-morning that was." Nick said, wiping his forehead, clearing the invisible sweat.

I was shocked and I looked at Ren, who was talking to Flynn, damn she can't tell me.
Which incidence are these brothers talking about? It has to be something from the training days.

I raised an eyebrow when Nick finally looked at me.
"Oh god, you have to hear everything!" he said rubbing his face.
I cleared my throat to get his attention back.
Before he could speak, Killer answered me "He didn't turn up till 10, one day during final year. Father went to check after losing his temper and found him sleeping. Your friend woke up to see death standing in front of him." and he laughed again, Nick chuckling.

Goodness! Uncle James went to wake up Nick?
That must have been a horror movie in itself.

"But I guess, that wasn't enough to teach you how to report on time, brother, was it?"
Nick suddenly looked around and realised something "Thank god he's not here. Willy please, don't say such things out, loudly."
The duo laughed again, and I joined them this time.

We were waiting for our dessert, when Killer decided to make things unhappy for me.
"I'll be going a little hard on you, this week. From next week, I have to focus on my own training, so I'll be spending less hours on you. But don't think it will be easier. They'll be more strenuous than what you've had till now."
I nodded and gulped.

"You have gained enough stamina. You should be able to face it. We'll first focus more on practicing how to defend. Only when I'm satisfied that you can save your pretty face from turning red, I'll teach you fighting. Got it?"
"Yes sir."

The desserts didn't taste sweet at all.
Killer got up to get something from the counter.
I couldn't hold myself "How can anyone be so cold hearted and mean? I hate him!"
Nick and Ren both looked at me, and then laughed.
"I told you to stay away from him, twice." Nick reminded me, and I regretted not listening to him.

"He's not that bad." Ren said "He tends to be extra strict in his trainer mode. You've seen how his behavior changes with me, and even Nick, when he's on the giving end. That's his nature."

"Yes, that's true. But you won't believe when you'll listen to the stories when we were trainees. He is a totally different human in that role!"

"How can he be different? He's an as-"
Nick cleared his throat, interrupting my swearing.
"I'm sorry. Ah! I hate him, that's it." That's the truth.

Nick, being great as he is, sensed my sinking mood and decided to save it.
"Alright, then you need to listen to this story."

"Which embarrassing story of mine, are you going to tell her, now?" Killer came back with suspicious look on his face.

"The wasted waist one." Nick laughed.
Killer chuckled too "That's embarrassing" and he covered his laughing face.
"Our batch hates you as much you hate them, Willy!" and they had a big laugh.

Me and Ren were waiting.
Nick looked at us. "Oh sorry. I forgot the danger duo is here. Alright I'll tell the tale."

Before Nick could start, Killer pointed a finger at us and said "It was not my idea. It was someone else's. You dare not judge me!"
"Yea yea, you got us all in trouble, that's what everyone remembers. We don't care whose idea it was." Nick replied with a punch on his arm.

A long chapter for the dear readers.
Thanks for reading and voting 😉


Please give me some time, so that I can bring a super-interesting chapter.
Thanks for the patience 😉😀

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