Ch12 That's Sweet Enough..

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Now, that doesn't sound good.
I hate the word surprise now, specially when it comes from him.

Nevertheless, I had no option. So I followed him to the mess.

He entered first and went straight to the counter. Unhappy at the empty counter, he turned around looking for someone.

In the middle of his search, his eyes fell on me.
As if suddenly realising something, he went behind the counter and started collecting things.

What I saw made me faint in fear.

He took two eggs, broke them together and poured all the contents in one big glass. Then added milk till the glass was 3/4th full. Then mixing all the content with a big spoon, like a professional cook, he looked at me with a pause.

I used the chance and said "I hate eggs."

"So did I. But now they start my day. So your liking doesn't really matter."
I raised my eyebrows and thought about what's going to happen soon.

I wanted to run away that very moment but my legs froze when I imagined what state I'll be in.
He looked at me again, brought wrinkles on forehead as if deciding whether or not to do something that he's thinking.

Then he turned back, brought a jar of sugar and kept it next to the dangerous potion.
He added two spoons of sugar, mixed them all and placed the glass in front of me.

I was looking at him, and at the glass in turns. He made a sound which said he's getting annoyed at the wait.

"What if I vomit?" I said.
"I'll make another."

He is not letting me leave without those eggs in my stomach.

I took the glass and took one sip. As expected, it tasted hell, and nauseating.
I tried taking another sip, but couldn't do it the third time, so I kept it back on the counter, while covering my mouth with the free hand. His face was a little red.

I looked at him with puppy eyes.
"You hate chocolate too?" He asked me again with wrinkles on his forehead.

"I love chocolates! " I said as an instinct.
"Lucky human."

I didn't understand what he meant by that.
I stopped caring for it when I saw him adding two spoonfuls of chocolate powder to that drink.
"That's the max you'll get. Now finish it."

I took first sip of this combination, and found it tolerable.
I gave a small nod of thanks and finished the whole glass in a few sips.

He took the glass back and kept it next to his own big mug.

We went and sat on one table in the corner. This is the first time I'm having breakfast with him since I've come here. Or first meal if I put it that way.

As soon as we sat, Flynn, a man in his early 40s, came to us.
I have seen him everyday in the mess. He keeps things under control here. Organising the food, distribution, keeping the boys' energy under control to avoid any damage etc.

He was definitely not an officer since no one called him sir, or by his rank.

He had come to me when I had my first meal here.
"Hi Miss Jane. I'm sorry you have to sit here alone and eat. But it's better that you sit away from THEM (pointing towards the boys) because they'll snatch away the food from your hands!" His words brought a smile to my face. He seemed to me, a harmless and caring man.

"If you don't like anything, or if you want something that's not available here, you can tell me. But just me. And not Wills. I'll arrange it for you. Secretly." The last word was merely a whisper.

So another addition in the list of people who are scared of killer. Is everyone scared of him here?

I smiled genuinely for his concern and replied.
"No thanks.. Er.. "
"Call me Flynn."
"Thanks a lot Mr Flynn. I appreciate your kindness. I'll come to you, if I need anything."

He would come to me atleast once, to ensure that I have enough food. If he finds anything missing, he'll get it himself. He'll often bring something and ask me to try it. If I liked it, he'll get it for me again next time.

It was impressive how, in a single day, he understood that I don't like eggs. Because I never got eggs on my table second day onwards.

I'm pretty sure the boys were jealous of me already, because no one else had that privilege.

But he was someone people listened to. At least the boys. I don't know about Killer, since I saw him here first time.

So Flynn kept a lot of things on our table, and kept on bringing freshly prepared stuff.
There were many things I saw for the first time. That means they were for him, and definitely not me.

It was as if he was waiting for something he didn't get, Killer was getting pissed off. I was scared for Flynn.

"Flynn!" he called out in a loud voice, but not in his usually rude tone. For the first time I heard him calling someone without authority. It was as if he was requesting him.

The old man arrived, with a tray in his hand.
"Flynn, I want my regular."
"We discussed about it yesterday, Major."

"It's my daily diet, and you know it." his tone catching up on that threatening path.

But I saw something new. Flynn was standing tall, looking Killer in his eyes. With zero fear on his face.

"Not till you start running again. Your weekly dose was yesterday, you'll have next 6 days from now."
He said while taking a bowl of Mixed Fruit Jam from the tray.

Killer swallowed the words, I'm sure would have killed Flynn, right there.
This was getting interesting.
Flynn literally *denied* Killer something, and he accepted without even barking back at him. Wow!

But things started getting back to normal. The fear in Flynn's face appeared when he was about to place the bowl of Jam on our table.
Before he could run away, Killer stopped him, just by calling his name.

"That's for her. She likes it."
"Flynn, take it back"

"Major, she should.."
"I said take it back Flynn. I'll decide her diet and not -"

And Flynn cut him off in controlled anger. "Fine, you want to starve her to death, go ahead. I'll tell him you were responsible."

I had to wait for seconds, that felt like hours, to see whether I'm having Jam today or not. I was sure, Killer won't step down but I secretly hoped that Flynn wins this one.

After these few seconds, Killer exhaled out, loudly. Then he closed his eyes and bent his neck down, while running his fingers through his shortly cut hair.

Flynn moved a little towards him and continued "You, are supposed to do only the right thing for her. Don't make her do anything she doesn't require."

He nodded while keeping his eyes closed. "Right. I'm sorry."
I couldn't believe my ears. My eyes were wide, and I looked at Flynn. He winked and nodded towards the jam.

I slowly slid the bowl close to my plate.

Flynn smiled a devilish smile and said "You need some pizza Maj? I'm making one tonight.."
"Flynn don't burst the balloon now."

He had a loud laugh and left.

We heard sounds coming from the entry. Sounds of hungry boys coming to hunt. They make so much of noise when they come to mess.
But they didn't know who they're gonna meet here.

I could feel the smile on my lips already..

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