Ch63 TETs Are Coming Up!

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Longest chapter in the book
(Wow I crossed 4k words this time!)

"I don't know what they have planned, but I'm sure they won't let me stay alive till the day of these trials!" Ethan's panic is growing bigger with each passing moment.
"Why is that so, Eth?"

"This is my fifth term at KMA. They didn't bother me from 3rd term to this term. But since Colonel bet on my performance keeping his sons' as*es at stakes, suddenly I'm the batch SC that should be punished for every freaking thing!"

"Isn't that how it usually works? I mean SC being responsible for everything?"
"Not even if someone's shoe lace gets loose in the middle of a run! How am I responsible if such a thing happens? They are purposefully targeting me for every goof up anyone does, which was being ignored till now!" he said rubbing his shoulders.

"Why would they do that? Oh wait, well I know why" I say covering my face with both palms, hiding a smile.
These devils! Breaking this poor boy so that he doesn't win.
And I'm damn sure Uncle has given them the permission to break him, too.

Oh boy, if Ethan loses.
And double oh boy, if Ethan wins, even after all this killing. Whoever wins, somebody is gonna get screwed real bad.

"What are you thinking? Help me here!" he begs me.
"Help you? How? By talking to your Coach Carter? He'll laugh and wave off anything I say. Or by talking to your Fletcher, who'll kill me as soon as he knows that I'm pointing a finger at his training?"

"Yeah. You can't help me. Nobody can." he said sighing.
"It's okay Ethan. You've faced them for two and a half year! It's just ten days. You'll make it."

"Just ten? No it's not just. It's TEN DAYS!"

He took a deep breath and continued "You are right. I can survive. I've done it for five terms. Afterall how bad can it go? I'll not die."

"Yea man. Look at it that way - Colonel James picked you, against his own sons. That's a big thing in itself, don't you think?"
"Yes, it's big. That's why I'm scared. What if I'm not able to perform upto his mark? Bet and everything is secondary, I don't want to disappoint him. This is the second time he took my name, first when he announced me as the SC. I feel so pressurised!"

"Don't think too much. Just face everything one at a time. Don't make it look unending. Trust yourself. That's it."
"yep. One at a time. Thanks Jane. I needed this."

"Anytime bud. Hey it's almost time. Go, or else you'll pay for getting late too!"
"Oh damn! Yea! Thanks! See you at dinner! Oh I forgot, the football team wants to have a dinner with you, so most probably you'll be going back empty stomach tonight! Bye!"

Oh no! They'll gulp down all my food! I need to get some extra meals hidden.

Killer was behaving like a two year child, barely running on two feet, over confident about his balance, poking his nose everywhere.

He was back to training the boys, a day after his leg got free. Nick took a step back, letting him have his way with them.
Today is just second day, and he has already sent seven boys to med care.
Bloody Killer, he himself can't walk straight normally. I expected him to start running like a horse right after he came out of Mr. Martins' room, but I think his leg is still not fine. He still limps a little while walking.

I had hoped, that in all this, he'll spend less time on me, thereby making my days easier, but it went all opposite.
My timings were pushed to extreme.
Now I was reporting at 05 in the morning and again at 10 in night, and whenever he felt he was free. The evening game times were given to Nick to 'look after' the boys, while Killer would work on himself, and give me a list of workouts to be completed before the night practice.

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