Ch89 Taking The Bullet

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His voice was louder than the stormy winds of the night.

"This is your last term - your last attempt at learning how to survive, how to escape the enemy, how to get to him before he gets to you, how to get strong and stay strong. You slack now, and you won't live to see days you had planned to. And if you die before successfully completing the mission, I swear I'll get you back to life, bring you back here and screw you thoroughly. Then you will beg me to kill you again. I hope you know that by now?"

What a speech!
I'm worried about the day he becomes the commander of some academy. The boys will train in pure fear.

"Yes sir!"
This is the loudest response I've ever heard from the cadets.
They shook the ground by that answer.

"Better. Now show me that you mean it. PT dress. Sixteen minutes. Run!"

It's 10 pm.
Their training is supposed to start tomorrow! Or may be not. Its Killer. Nobody taught him maths, logical reasoning and time.

I need to talk to Uncle to help him complete his primary schooling.

As ordered, sixty boys were standing in queue by the end of sixteen minutes. They were panting already, I doubt they'll last till tomorrow morning.

What? You thought they were made to wear PT dress to go back within an hour or two?
Funny if you thought that.

I left the boys at their state to get my beauty sleep of atleast 6 hours.
I got the message at dinner that I'm supposed to join Killer at 0600 hours.
While the news wasn't very exciting, the good part was that I got one extra hour to sleep.
How he agreed to it, I'm still confused.


Preparing myself for a humiliating and nicely insulting day, I jogged towards the ground.

I was eight minutes early to my own surprise. But what was more surprising was what I saw.

I expected Ethan and boys covered in mud, standing or rolling in the ground with Killer rogering them. Instead I saw Killer being rogered by Uncle and none of the boys were in the scene. A single backpack was lying on one side - partially wet - I don't doubt it's Killer's sweat.

He was panting like a Rabid dog and Uncle himself was drenched in sweat.
They were both doing suicides with Killer obviously lagging behind.

"Pull up! Pull up! I'm not letting that one go unnoticed!" Uncle shouted while they crossed each other.
Killer must have used his reserves to double his speed and caught up to him. He touched the line one second before Uncle in the final count, saving his ass some 'payment'.
But that last run definitely drained him. He was lying flat on his back.

"We still have three minutes left. How about...?"
Uncle left the last question incomplete.

How about what?

Killer's plead was shut by his father.
"Pushups, Crunches and Burpees."

Response was immediate - Uncle dropped down on all fours and Killer turned himself upside down in the same time.

They started doing fast Pushups.
Uncle was counting, whispering I must say.

As soon as Uncle finished a count of sixty, he turned to start doing crunches.
Killer joined him when he had reached five.

Uncle started doing Burpees while Killer was still at 56.
He started doing Burpees at a speed I never thought was humanely possible.

He managed to finish the count along with Uncle.
Both of them stayed on the ground panting for a few seconds.

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