Ch23 Football Goof Up

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We were waiting on the football field, when whole team arrived, followed by the coach.
All of them had that look of remorse on their face, their shoulders were drooped down, faces gloomy. It was as if they lost a battle.

Wait, is that why they give so much importance to sports in army? To let them have a taste of defeat and victory? Whoa!

Nick came and stood next to Killer. I was behind.
"It's ok. You tried your best. We can't always -" Killer was trying to help Nick come out of regret when he was cut off.
"No. I didn't. I didn't try my best. I didn't try at all. It's all my fault."

Before anyone could say anything else, Uncle James entered.
Everyone took a breath and held it right there.

"Boys make a semi circle. Coach right in front of me." It was dangerous low tone.
5 seconds, and the instructed orientation was ready.

Nick was standing straight. Hands by the sides, neck straight. But he was looking at the ground. It was painful to see him that way.

"Tell me today's team. " Uncle started interviewing Nick.
"It was 4-3-3 sir.
Tylor and Ethan- CenterBacks
George and Jacob- Right and Left backs.
Oliver, Andrew and Daniel in the midfield.
Walter - Center forward
Wingers were Solomon.. And.."

"And who Major Nick?!" He was pissed off, undoubtedly.
"And Carter, sir."

There was a long pause.
"And who was protecting the post, you?"
"Shawn was the goalkeeper sir." He replied in a hurry.

"Cadet Ethan, 3rd year, sir."

"Ethan step forward."
I swear I saw poor Ethan trembling.

"That was the game plan?"
"Yes sir. 4-3-3 sir."

"What about the reserves Ethan?"
"We had kept two strikers , two defenders, two midfield and one goalkeeper, sir."

He moved close to Nick. "I want names of every single reserve, Major. Shoot!"
I saw Nick fumbling with names.
I was ready to count 7 names in total in my mind but i could only hear 5. I waited a few seconds for 2 more names, when..

"Team, 15 rounds. No break. If anyone stops, whole team will start from zero. Move your bellies now! You two stay back."

Now was the time that we all feared.
Uncle James was very close to Nick. "I haven't seen a single coach who doesn't know his players by their shadows. And you can't remember names of your boys? Pathetic!"

Losing a football match didn't sound so wrong to me. But not knowing the names of your players, i think that's something nobody will forgive. Specially when it's uncle James.

But i don't understand, how could that happen. Nick is a footballer himself, Captain of a winning team. How can he forget names?
This was beyond my understanding.

"Coach and captain. You have brought shame to this academy, by not guiding your team correctly."
Ethan tried to cool him down "We're sorry sir. We'll practice extra hours everyday and on Sundays. We-"

What Nick did at that moment moved me. And moved Killer too, really.
"It's nobody's fault, but mine, Sir. The boys gave their best, including Ethan. I didn't do my job right."

"I hope you know what you're asking for, coach. Don't take the blame on yourself to save your team, it will come heavily on you. You two are getting punished, there's no doubt about it. I was making it easier for both of you by making you share the load."
I silently pleaded Nick to shut up and stop trying to be a hero.

"I'm at fault sir. Completely."
"Ethan you can join the team. For every member that stops, you commando roll one stretch of the ground. And I promise you, from next week, you'll have a better coach, because this one needs repairing and I'll spend atleast a week on him."
Ethan gulped, turned on his heel and ran away.

It was all tense. Three of us waiting for the fourth one to burst.
Instead, it took a single word to take both their breaths away.

"Fumes." said uncle, looking at Nick, with full form of anger.
Nick looked up with wide eyes "Dad..?"

"Tonight" his second word in that dangerous low tone.
Nick knew it was better to stay silent. But Killer couldn't help it. "Sir. He only got a month to-"

"For three alternate nights." whatever it was, the danger level was rising with each moment passing. Uncle was still looking into Nick's eyes with extreme anger.

Killer moved a little to try changing uncle's mind. Before he could argue, he was warned.
"He'll be doing it for six nights straight, if i hear another word of disagreement."

It was dead silent. Thank god I was standing a few steps behind this fire zone.

"Nick, you. Gym. Now. Major Wills, ensure that all boys finish their rounds before stepping out of this ground. If I come to know that you also didn't do your job right, you'll be doing fumes too. I will not care about your medical condition. Am i clear, both of you?"
They synced "Yes sir!" that can shake the ground.

"Any doubts?"
"No sir!"

"What are you two waiting for then?"
And boy it took moments for both of them to disappear.
This left only me and uncle.

"How much did you sweat today?" He asked me. It was clear he was trying to control his anger.
"Less.. than other days.." i replied in hesitation.

"Let's see someone sweating properly tonight." He said.

He started saying something else but stopped himself in between. Then gathered some strength, and restarted "Stay with me Jane. And stop me if I forget that I'm his father."
He turned and started walking away.

Did he just request me to come with him? I guess he did. But what was the father thing he said. I always thought he's the most mature guy ever. May be he's too angry, that he needs someone from outside to calm him. Anyways, watching him walk away, I started following him towards gym.

He paused and turned to me "You have songs in your phone? Bring it, you'll need it. It will be a long night."

"Kill... Umm.. My phone is not in a working condition right now.. But i have an I-pod.." Bloody Killer should thank me, I stopped just in time to say that he confiscated my phone. I still hate him for that.
"Get it." he said and i rushed to my room to get the hidden piece of electronic item.

I reached Gym and...

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