Media play?

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Taehyung and jennie where still sitting in the office while other where deciding what to do in this situation.

Jennie:I know this is very hard but we don't want to lie to our fans anymore we want to tell them everything

CEO:I understand Jennie but the reputation of the companies also matters here.

Taehyung: We understand!

The office was completely silent. Soon the CEO speak okay we will arrange a media conference for you both.

Jennie: Thankyou!

Taehyung: We are grateful!

~The media conference was arranged in 2 hours and jennie and taehyung were ready to say~

All media and even some fans were waiting for them........Soon the conference start and jennie spoke......

Jennie: *nervously takes a deep breath* Thank you all for being here today. I know this may come as a shock to many of you, but it's time we address the truth about our relationship. Taehyung and I were initially brought together through a contract, but over time, we developed genuine feelings for each other. Our love grew beyond what was expected, and we wanted to be honest with you all.

Media: *whispering among themselves, cameras flashing*

Taehyung: *holding Jennie's hand, looking at her with unwavering support* We understand that the concept of a contracted relationship can be difficult to accept, but please understand that it wasn't something we had control over. We were bound by circumstances beyond our reach, but our emotions became real. We fell in love, and our connection deepened in ways we couldn't anticipate.

Fan: *speaking out, sounding disappointed* This feels like a betrayal. We trusted you, Taehyung!

Taehyung: *addressing the fans with sincerity* I understand your concerns, and I apologize for any pain this revelation may have caused. But please, give us a chance to explain our journey. Our love for each other is genuine, and we've gone through so much together. Jennie means the world to me, and I hope you can find it in your hearts to accept her, to accept us.

Fan: *softly* How do we know this isn't just another act?

Jennie: *teary-eyed, voice filled with emotion* I understand your doubt, and I don't blame you for feeling that way. But I promise you, our love is real. We've gone through ups and downs, laughter and tears, just like any couple. It wasn't easy to keep our relationship hidden, and now, we want to be truthful with you all. We want you to see the love that exists between us.

Fan: *whispering, contemplative* Maybe... maybe we should give them a chance.

Taehyung: *smiling gratefully at the fans* Thank you. Your support means everything to us. We're not asking you to forget the past; we're asking for your understanding, your acceptance, and your love. We want to continue sharing our journey with all of you, hand in hand, and show the world what true love can be.

Media: *silently taking in the heartfelt exchange, realizing the depth of their emotions*

Applause fills the room as the fans begin to clap, a few tears of joy streaming down their faces. The atmosphere is filled with an undeniable warmth, as people start to see the beauty in Taehyung and Jennie's love story. It's a moment of triumph, where love conquers all doubts and misconceptions, bringing hope to those who witness it.

A/N: Fans have accepted them with all their hearts ........ But the stroy don't end here*Smirk*

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