The Sixteenth Chaos

25 3 11

"Puzzle Pieces Always Find Their True Places"


From rainofsky2110

to: me


Autumn in London.

You said that you want to know about autumn in London. So, I take a picture for you. This is from Holland Park. You can search for it on the Internet. But, I can tell you a little bit about this park.

Holland means Belanda in your language, but this is not a park about that country. This is a Japanese Park. Divide into several parts of the garden. Each Garden have its uniqueness. For example, there is Kyoto Garden. Kyoto is one of the most famous towns in Japan. In that garden, you will see how garden in Kyoto and there's a waterfall in that garden. The architect is from Japan too.

Aku menatap kagum gambar-gambar yang dikirim oleh rainofsky. Semuanya indah-indah. Siang hari, senja, air terjun mini, dan masih banyak lagi. Dedaunan berwarna kuning kecokelatan.

Astaga, melihatnya membuatku ingin mengunjunginya. Warna-warna lembut yang kusukai.

Reply to rainofsky2110

That's amazing photography. Do you like photography?

Reply to me

Yes. I like it. Sometimes I make an article from a photo I take and send it to some publisher.

Reply to rainofsky2110

Wah, you're amazing! I want to read your articles.

Reply to me

Then, you must find my name before you read my article.

Entah mengapa aku bisa merasakanan nada menantang dari tulisannya.

Reply to rainofsky2110

Then, give me a clue!

Reply to me

Nope. That's impossible.

Reply to rainofsky2110

How can? Hei! If you don't want me to know your name, then don't challenge me to do that!

Reply to me

I didn't challenge you.

Aku menyipitkan mataku. Memangnya, kalimatnya yang tadi tidak menantangku?

Reply to rainofsky2110


Reply to me

Should I make a letter of statement to make you believe?

Reply to rainofsky2110

No need.

Aku menatap layar komputer itu dengan kedua tangan terlipat di depan dada. Aku benar-benar seperti bertukar pesan dengan seseorang yang sangat misterius.

Reply to rainofsky2110

What should I do to know your name?

Reply to me

I don't know.

Reply to rainofsky2110

Eh, wait. You publish your articles, right? Then, I can find your articles on the internet. I can enter the picture that you gave me and Tada! I can see your articles. Then, I will know your name.

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