(17) the park - ben chilwell

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"Rock, paper, scissors and whoever wins has to push the loser on the swings, deal?"

Nodding your head at Ben's words, you held out your hand wanting to start the game already. Ben laughed at your eagerness as he mimicked your actions, crying out in frustration as he lost the battle. Best of three was the deal; paper covered rock and rock smashed scissors.

He groaned as he got out of the car, grimacing at your cackles and mini-celebrations.

"Okay now, you can stop."

That encouraged you to make even more noise as you ran around the car screaming 'victory'. Ben carefully timed your actions because when you were close to him, he reached out and grabbed your middle, making you shriek in happiness.

"It was a very small victory, babe. Does it mean that much to you?" He asked, carrying you across the fields to where the park was.

You nodded your head, "Any victory against you is worth celebrating because I can finally say I beat a Champion's league winner at something."

He laughed out loud, so close to your ear, almost bursting your ear drums. You slapped his arm in response and he must've thought you wanted him to put you down because he did exactly that. Ben lightly hung his arm on you shoulders as you walked to the small park, where it all started.

It was a Saturday evening; your friends had convinced you to sneak out the house so you could hang out in the park. They brought alcohol and blunts but you declined, politely, you didn't want to get involved in that and there was only one other person who refused it, Ben. You shyly smiled at each other, thinking that it would be the last interaction of the night but boy, were you wrong. Slowly, the rowdy group had quieted and everyone was in their own world when you took to the swings.

There was something about the back-and-forth motion that hypnotised you, and ceased your worrying regarding if your parents had caught you out or not, and taught you to appreciate the moment.

"Mind if I take a seat?"

"No, it's all yours."

That was how it all began; the friendship, the relationship, the highs and lows, everything in between. At that time, Ben was still in the Leicester City's Academy and the strongest reason why he couldn't drink nor smoke - he could get expelled - he told you back then.

It is funny how you met all because both you and Ben had refused to partake in the adolescent actions of your friends.

"Come on, loser!" You yelled, running ahead of him to the swings. "Come on, you need to push."

"I'm coming, babe." He yelled back, laughter in his voice as he focused on your excited behaviour, matching it as he jogged up to where you were waiting.

"Are you ready?" He asked, lowly, whispering in your ear.

You turned around, a grin on your face and your hands holding onto the metal links for support, "Aye aye captain!"

Ben pulled the swing to the back as you lifted your legs and then he let go, your giggling screams filling the evening air. The higher he went, the more excited you got. It wasn't until you stopped him that he took a seat in the swing next to you, swinging lightly.

"How did it feel being pushed by a Champions league winner?"

You chuckled, turning to your boyfriend, and running a hand through his hair, "Stick to football. Trust me, you're much better off there than pushing people for a living."

The swings began creaking loudly as soon as they started slowing down, revealing the age of them. Suddenly, you jumped off your swing and leaned on the ground, checking underneath the seats and squealed.

"Ben! Ben! Our names are still here." You exclaimed.

"Huh?" He asked in confusion, joining you on the floor and looking at the seat.

In white marker, it stood: Y/N and Ben. 2015. 4eva 2gether.

"Our spelling was atrocious." You laughed and agreed with him, rubbing your thumb over the declaration. "It's cute that no one has noticed this yet. Like our little secret."

"No, I just realised, this is vandalism. The park is public property and belongs to the city, what will the people think."

"If you tell no one, I'll tell no one." Ben fixed his finger in front of his lips and shushed, an action that was so child-like of him especially since he's still on the ground on all fours.

Nodding your head, you helped each other up as you joined hands and took a stroll around the park.

It is a bit different to when you guys were younger, the facilities were upgraded, gave them a fresh coat of paint and added a few things that weren't here when you two hung out all those years ago. Wondering where the rest of the friend group ended up, Ben had lead you to a little bench that overlooked the river.

"It's nice here, we should come more often."

He sighed into the warm evening air, pressing you closer to his body as his arm rested on the back of the bench.

"It depends on your schedule, love, since it still takes us a bit of a drive to get here." You replied, snuggling closer to your boyfriend. He hummed in response, his chin fixed upon your head as you both watched a family of squirrels.

"I'll always make time in my schedule for you, and if you want to come to this park then just say the word. I'll gladly bring you."

"What if I say I want to come here, everyday, for the rest of the holidays?" You joked, raising your eyebrows. He just shrugged and looked back at you, kissing your head.

"I'll still bring you here, every day, if that's what you want."

"Boo..." You referenced a thumbs down as you shook your head, "...who wants to come to a park on their days off?"

"I did suggest this outing, you know."

"And I love you for it dear, just not every day, yeah?" You smiled at him as he rolled his eyes and pulled you closer, so much that your legs were already encompassed by his.

"Yeah, yeah." He sighed, in defeat.

"I love you, Ben." You whispered, laying your head on his chest, hearing his calming heart beat in sync with yours.

"I love you too, Y/N."

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