(24) what are we? - cristiano ronaldo

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The crackling of the firewood, and the occasional glass tapping against the wood of his coffee table were the only sounds that permeated the room. It might have been odd, but, this was how you would prefer it - cuddled up under a thin quilt in front of the fire as you enjoy each other's company.

"Cris?" You whispered, lifting your head from his chest. It wasn't that hard to look at him, despite the height difference, but his head rested against the back rest and his eyes were closed.

"Have a good night's rest." You whispered, pressing your lips to the corner of his mouth. It was half on his lips and half touched the wrinkles that developed at the corners of his mouth.

"I'm not asleep." He mumbled, opening his eyes. "But, I'll pretend to be asleep to get that kiss again."

"You don't need to pretend, I'll just give you one now."

Cris smiled in response, as the arm around your shoulders dragged you forward. "I wouldn't, no, couldn't say no."

The last word - no - was whispered on your lips, just before Cris connected his lips to yours. His lips stayed pressed against yours until he placed his hand on your jaw, for better grip, and started moving them. It didn't take long for you to respond with movements of your own as you pulled the quilt aside and dragged your leg over his - so that you were now sitting on his lap. Instinctively, his hands trailed down your back until they reached your bottom, squeezing them in one swift motion.

This made you yelp and, temporarily, separate your lips from his. As soon as you looked into his eyes, you could see that they were filled with mischief, with mirth and foolishness.

"Naughty boy..." You trailed on in his ear as you started kissing his earlobe, emitting a moan from him. "...do you like my butt?"

Cris hurriedly nodded his head as he reaches beneath your clothing, his fingertips burning your skin where they had touched. "It was the first thing I saw about you."

Slapping him against his arm, you continued your assault on his neck where you sucked - at least - two red spots in unnoticeable places.

"I thought you said my beauty bedazzled you?" You asked.

Pressing on the red wounds, you trailed a line from one to the other as if this was a puzzle-of-sorts. Cris skin had always fascinated you - his ability to hide redness if not by his cheeks, meanwhile, hickies made that job real easy and really visible - if we're being honest.

"It did. Why do you think I had to hire you immediately? I would've done anything to get you on my team, Y/N."

"No, no. We don't talk business in the bedroom, remember Cris?"

Placing a finger on his lips, you raised your eyebrow after not receiving a response. He impassively stared at you until he gave up and nodded his head, biting your finger. Smiling to yourself, you got loose and snuggled into Cris neck, playing with the small hairs on his neck.

Well, it's complicated. All you could say was that the relationship (?) started on an employment-only basis - you were his assistant and he was your boss. It had been like that for a while, before, things just started changing. Touches lingered, glances lasted longer than they should, his hand had found a permanent space on your body whenever he was close. It was one day - after an exhausting socialising event - that he invited you back to his place to gather intel about his business associates.

I mean, we're all adults here, I think we can figure out what had transpired.

Then, it just became a thing. There was no labels to what you had, no talk about feelings and the roles of boss-and-employee as soon as you leave his apartment became just that. It was an agreement that worked for the both of you - little to no flaws.

"What are you doing for the rest of the evening?" You asked him, trying to dispel the weird tension in the air. He must've felt it too as he cleared his throat and hugged you tighter,

"Invited my friend over. Haven't seen each other in a while so we're catching up."

"Oh, that's nice. I hope you enjoy the catch-up."

"Yeah, it will be nice."

The silence has festered in the room for a while, before, you decided it was too suffocating and started random conversation with him.

"So, how long have you known this friend?" You questioned, curious, as you sat back and observed him again.

Cris furrowed his eyebrows as he thought over his answer, he wasn't doing this to delay the answer, but, he actually had to work out the amount of years. "She's been with me since Portugal."

"Oh?" Your voice grew thin and cracked. "She?"

"Yeah..." Cris laughed and kissed your lips. "...did you think I was only friends with men?"

You awkwardly started laughing, to try masking the slip of judgement in his choices, and continued the conversation. "I would never think that."

But, something didn't feel right. It felt like the night had deflated and the pleasant mood that spread here since earlier was now gone. Thinking about it some more, you realised why you were feeling like this and what, initially, cause this change in behaviour.

You liked Cris.

You liked liked him.

Perhaps, you had developed feelings for him during your little relationship (?) and you had never known it because it was forced into a box, set aside to never be explored. Because, earlier, he had mentioned a female friend that he invited over so late in the night and knowing what you guys had gotten up to late at night, it had made you feel insecure and jealous.

"Earth to Y/N?" Cris called, and your focus was pulled back to the handsome face in front of you. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah..." You sighed. "It's just something that had crossed my mind for a moment, but, it disappeared by now."

You know what, it was a now-or-never moment. Not everyone would be able to get this chance and you, sure as hell, are not wasting it on trying to deny your feelings any longer.

"Cris?" You let out a deep breath, laying your hands on his shoulders. "What are we?"

"Hm? I don't understand what you mean." He responded.

"I mean, our relationship, like what is it?" You asked, your words losing their value as your voice becomes softer and softer.

"Y/N, you said we shouldn't bring those matters into the bedroom."

You sighed, "I know, I know. It's just, that, I've realised I might have feelings for you and I got jealous at the mention of your friend. Maybe, I would like something more— more solid or, better yet, more official."

The second your confession was put into the world, your breathing stopped and your head fell onto one of Cris shoulders. Not being able to bear rejection, you decided that this would be the better fate to suffer through, at least you wouldn't be seeing his disgusted reaction.

"Y/N? Y/N?" Cris called, whispering into your ear as he rubbed down your sides, preparing yourself for rejection you dared to look up.

But what shocked you was the massive smile on his face, one you had never seen before, and one you always wanted to see - no matter what. "It's crazy because I feel the same."


"I wanted to be the first one to tell you, but I kept on pushing it off until tomorrow but I could never gather the courage in the end. But, you beat me to it."

You, seriously, analysed his face but nothing in his expression told you that he was lying so you squealed and hugged him - glad that you could officially call him your boyfriend.

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