(28) official - kylian mbappe

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"It shouldn't have been this way."

The words uttered in the car halted the tangent that your agent was on as she looked in your direction, probably, noticing the scowl on your face. No matter how many times you have thought about it, your relationship with Kylian should have never been revealed forcibly.

It angered you; made your blood boil that someone in your camp had been sharing exclusive pictures and videos of your vacations.

Clearly, it had shown you and Kylian in a jacuzzi together. Taking a stroll on the beach, holding hands. Having dinner with his family, afterwards, retiring to your (not-so) private balcony and spending the rest of the evening together. Hell, there's even a provocative picture of you in one of his shirts after skinny-dipping in the ocean.

Thank the heavens that that was all they caught, and not the brief moment you walked out the water practically naked.

"Honey..." Kylian spoke up, reaching across to link your hands. "...Is this what you really want to focus on right now? I mean, we are going to your first movie premiere."

He pressed a kiss to your hand as he continued, "One where my girlfriend is the main character of the film — praises coming in from all around the world about her performance."

"Who evens has time to think about the pictures that came out?" Kylian asked, looking at you with a prideful smile on his face.

You couldn't help but mimic his expression, the excitement starting to kick in, and (surprisingly) the giddy-ness of being seeing in public with Kylian taking over your body. No more having to sneak around and wear unsuspecting clothing and accessories, a time where you can kiss your boyfriend freely on the lips.

"You're right." You said. "I should be focusing on the premiere because it's my day and I'm not going to let anything ruin my day."

"That's my girl." He praised, looking back out the window while still holding your hand.

It was all he needed to do to make you feel comfortable, to take your mind off of what happened and to reel you back into the moment.


To say that it was a chaotic scene would be the understatement of the year.

While, your agent had warned you about how intense it could get, it still didn't compare to the real thing. It all started when your car pulled up to the carpet; an actual red carpet that you always thought the films had dramatised. But no, there was a natural carpet. The only difference was that it stretched on for miles — like in the films — but it ran until where the press were situated.

All eyes were on you; not because you were the main character, although it could also be, but people wanted to know whether you came alone or with your partner — Kylian.

He was so sweet because he offered to jump out of the car when it stopped, to open your door and officially be recognised as a couple.

"You ready for this?" He whispered as he bent his head in the car, holding his hand for you to grab. Face dangerously close to yours that his lips looked so tempting. In the moment, you quickly stole a kiss and it made him smile.

"I was born ready."

As soon as you had stepped out and grabbed Kylian's hand, bodyguards surrounding you, the crowd had roared with cheers and applause. Paparazzi and fans, alike, were calling your names as you happily waved to them, loving the reaction to your relationship.

"Guess we were worried for nothing then." Kylian spoke through his pursed lips, his cute smile on display.

"Never underestimate these vultures, they always have a trick or two up their sleeves."

Kylian snorted in response as he looked at you, a massive grin on his face as his eyes scan your expression.

"Aw, give us more material. More Y/N and Kylian. More the "IT" couple."

"Y/N, Kylian, look here! This way!"

"quel beau couple (what a beautiful couple)"

"Do they know that while they're spitting out compliments, we're trash-talking them?" Kylian mumbled as he leaned his head to the side, so, he was face-to-face with you.

Your hands comfortably rested on his shoulder as his encapsulated the open-back style of your custom-made Vivienne Westwood dress. Yes, you splurged a bit on the dress but it was your first movie premiere, of course you would want to be making a statement. This was before you knew what was going to happen - the whole relationship debacle.

"I don't think they do." Mumbling back, your gloved hands fixed his suit as you smiled at each other.

All you could hear was the click of the cameras and the demands of the press. But, that didn't matter because Kylian's eyes were on you and your eyes were on him. It was all you needed, really, as he pressed your body closer to his.

"Want to give them what they want?" He whispered seductively, the corner of his mouth lifting into a smirk.

"I kinda want them to beg a bit more." You said.

Kylian tsked, "I think this is all you're going to get for now..." He leaned in closer to your ear and spoke. "But if you want begging, I'll be all up for it."

Laughing, you slapped Kylian's chest before pulling him into the kiss that they (the press) wanted so desperately. If you thought the shutters of the cameras were working before, they were definitely working over-time this time.


One of the only good friends that you had made in the industry — Jada — called you over for an interview, and you couldn't resist.

"Hey, girl!" She excitedly claimed as she pulled you into a hug, greeted Kylian and placed the mic in front of you.

"First order of business, congratulations!" She fussed all over you and you graciously thanked her. "The movie is a hit! The casting is a hit! The storyline is a hit! How does it feel to be part of something so big— so monumental?"

"I mean..." You started. "Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined the response of the movie to be so big— so massive. It wasn't what any of us were expecting, but, what it did show us was that it touched people around the world. And that's what I can appreciate."

"Yeah, it has. It's so inspirational and I bet the actors that you worked with were inspirational to you, as well, since they've been in the game longer. Tell me, what was it like working with them?"

The smile on your face grew larger as you looked at your co-actors on the carpet. "It's been such a pleasure working with them, you know. They were eager to help, eager to learn and just all-around fun people to be around on set."

The woman smiled and nodded her head as she loaded one last question, her eyes fixated now on Kylian.

"Kylian, tell me, how proud of Y/N are you right now? Standing at one of the biggest movie premieres this year, being a main character, and is on to break many box office records."

Kylian moved closer so he was in front of the mic before glancing at you. "I don't think enough words can describe how I'm proud of Y/N. She has constantly proven that once she sets a limit for herself, she not only reaches it but goes far beyond."

The interviewer coos at his response and it, definitely, makes your cheeks turn red as he continues his spiel.

"I've always been her main supporter and I know she's going to go on to do wonderful things. I'll be right here beside her for everything because that's how much I love her."

He ends his comment with a kiss on your cheek as he grabs your waist. "I love you." He whispers softly in your ear, only so that you can hear.

"I love you too." You whisper back, leaning your head on his shoulder and greeting Jada before you move onto the next batch of interviewers.

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